14. Karna Invites a Storm

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The King of Anga tried desperately to suppress his amusement as watched his newly- wed wife half jumping and half walking ahead of him. Now and then a soft laugh left his lips whenever she would run after a butterfly as best as she could in her heavy attire and then slow down whenever someone came in view or when she would shriek in delight at some beautiful flower or plant and then look around embarrassed if she happened to see some startled servant or courtier.

"She is genuinely happy" Karna thought "I never thought this side of her even existed. I wish-"

There was the sound of a loud crash. He ran to his wife. She had collided with a dasi carrying a large plate of flowers and was now sitting on the ground colourful blossoms strewn all around her.

"Panchali lets go somewhere else" he said gently helping her to her feet "Come."

She followed him meekly. She was sure her husband was angry and embarrassed with her. The mind began forming all possible apologies when a sweet fragrance hit her nostrils.

"This is amazing!" she exclaimed. She was stunned by beauty of the place. It had several kinds of plants growing with a kind of natural grace unlike the other parts of the garden with their symmetrical planning. It was a little heavenly piece.

"This is the private garden reserved for the King" Karna said.

"Oh I see" she replied softly. She sensed a tinge of pride in his voice and on a sudden impulse decided to tease him a bit and continued in a playful tone "Oh I see that I am a trespasser here."

"And his family" he completed.

A slight blush crept up her cheeks. He noticed this and began again "Especially close family."

She was now blushing visible and the king of Anga was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Panchali you are blushing" he said trying to keep his tone matter- of- fact.

"Angraj I am..." she stuttered as he laughed aloud.

"Panchali I grew this little garden and now you too are free to do whatever you want with it."

She squirmed in delight and her husband was definitely unprepared for he almost fell to the ground and looked at her unbelievingly while she tried to cover her laughter with her palms over her mouth before finally bursting out and falling near him.

Karna couldn't be more intrigued. She was so dynamic- one time a perfect quuen and task master and another time a little girl.
"Panchali I wanted to go on a walk with you but sensing that you clearly either did not understand the meaning of a walk or you had no intentions to go on one with me given your prior actions in the royal gardens I brought you here so that you could continue here uninterrupted. Why don't you do whatever you were doing out there?" he said feigning annoyance.

"Angraj looks like I should have kept the level of fun and frolic lower given that I am before a tough warrior for whom these things are sharper than arrows."

"Oh Panchali" he said softly "The Pandavas did not deserve you."

And the next moment he knew a storm was coming.

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