66. Conversing of the Future? -5

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"So how does it concern me other than softening my opinions?" she asked, immediately wishing to she could take back her harsh words.

But her husband smiled, whether in sorrow, or exasperation or contempt, she would never know, but she was certain there was not a trace of anger marking some ugly lines on his handsome face.

"To help find the extent of its veracity" he answered, "Samrat Dhritsrast's words are not always reliable but Samragyi Gandhari's are."

Draupadi didn't reply but subtly nodded, but her ebbing energy didn't permit her to protest against the idea. Gandhari was righteous, she was aware of it, but too righteous to see through some of the carefully veiled motives and acts of those around her, or was she too clever like Kunti and was involved in her own covert power play like all royal women do and she herself had not been an exception to it until recently.

"Maharani Bhanumathi too is a noble lady, she can also come into the play" Karna continued oblivious to his wife's thoughts, and then taking a deep breath, "This would be a wonderful way for you to reestablish contact with the other queens of the land, Maharani Mahima of Chedi, Maharani Sumitra of Magadh, Maharani Rukmini of Dwarka..."

And he went on as she listened with wide eyes, now realizing that she had much bigger things to grasp and her husband was just beginning to let her out of the protective bubble in slow gradual steps.

She nodded, as he continued enlisting the names of queens and other royal women of prominence, notably he did not mention Rajmata Kunti and Maharani Devika (Yudhistir's wife) of Indraprasth.

"Aarya" she said finally interrupting him, "I understand your second motive, but about the former, do you not think that your spies would be able to do a better job at it...and quicker?"

This time it was Karna's turn to look away. Draupadi resisted the urge to click her tongue in disapproval, instead placed a questing hand on her husband's much larger one.

"I don't keep spies in the royal apartments of Hastinapur palace" he answered, suddenly wondering if he had been a sentimental fool, "My good friend..."

"Hmm" she muttered before quickly adding in as nonchalant a manner as possible, "But you must remember that it is home to not just your dear friend, but also to Gandhar Raj Shakuni."

She saw him startle for a few seconds before he slowly turned to her and gave her a curt nod. She understood, with some satisfaction, that it would be a matter of some time before her husband came out of his irrationality.

"Aarya, can I ask you for something else too?" she said quietly after some time had elapsed in their silences.

"Ask away, my...Panchali?" Karna answered smiling softly at her, curious as to what his wife's possible wish could be.

"Aarya" she began and was almost tempted to give in to the biggest wish her heart had been harbouring for so long, following the encouraging nod from his end.

But she restrained herself, she would not come out as being demanding, nor would she take a hasty decision about her children that may hurt them. Besides, this wasn't the right time and situation to broach that matter.

"Can I exchange communications with my family in Panchal as well?" she asked instead, knowing very well that the disastrous visit made the likelihood of permission stand on very flimsy grounds.

"As a family member, I meant, not as a Queen" she explained apprehensively, on getting no response from her husband who sat as still as a stone forth her, with only the drumming of his fingers against his knee almost touching hers, indicating he was still listening.

"Aarya... please answer me" Draupadi called softly, gently drawing his restless hand inside her palm.

Karna looked up at her with an unreadable expression, Draupadi inhaled sharply, wondering if this would be the first time that Daanveer (generous hero) Karna would deny giving something.



Hello everyone

This is a short chapter, but I thought it would  be better not to extend the wait further:)

I will most likely be closing this chapter series with another chapter with a sweet moment and also following up with some beautiful, hopefully, romance...and some happy times.

I think we as well as the characters need it before complicacies start arising once again as they are bound to!

Hope you liked the chapter:)Will Karna agree or will he not? Please let me know what you liked most from it and what you expect to happen next? 

Also please note that the names of the queens apart from Gandhari, Devika, Kunti, Bhanumathi and Rukmini, are all fictional. I took the liberty because there is no such mention of the names of these queens.

Do drop by your votes and comments generously:) It is a delight going through them❤❤

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