58. Of Two Fire-Borns -4

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"Ah...oh" he startled out from his reverie, now focusing his complete attention on her, "Angraaj Karna is truly noble. And what a fine warrior he is! I didn't know he excelled in any other weapon other than the bow and arrow but he is adept at swords."

Draupadi smiled at this praise of her husband from her brother. No matter what she had craved for her family's good opinion of her marriage and now she knew at least her brother approved.

"And he is a genuinely good man as well. I spoke to him about the disastrous discussion" he continued, "And don't worry my dear sister, you will not find yourself at the receiving end of his wrath about the issue...though he is too upright for that..."

"He would never do something like that" she replied with conviction, "He has never done anything wrong with me, thus far."

"I know that dear sister" he said warmly, giving her a little smile, "But it was my duty as your brother to speak to him nevertheless."

She nodded, smiling graciously and before she knew it she had her arms around him. Dhristyadyumna reciprocated the hug with equal warmth, patting her back and then quickly bringing his thumb under his eye and wiping away a lone tear before it fell on his sister's shoulder.

"I never thought I would see this childish side of you ever again" he said as they broke free from the embrace, "You will never grow up."

"Bhratashri, let me remind you yet again, we both emerged as grown ups from the fire altar" she retorted, frowning good naturedly, "Don't call me a child again. I am matured and grown..."

Her voice trailed off, the prior joyful glow on her face flit away as quickly and as suddenly as it come, the words choked in her mouth. Dhristyadyumna articulated them instead.

"We are chess pieces for our father to use and sacrifice in his elaborate game of revenge" he said expressionlessly watching his sister intently.

Draupadi nodded stiffly. She observed that neither her husband nor her brother had tried to censor their words when nor give her any overt comfort when they spoke of this. She had always prided herself over her superior understanding of motives and intentions of people but she realized today she had overseen and allowed herself to be blinded to some much important aspects that stitched through the fabric of her life.

"But Draupadi. You are freer than me" Dhristyadyumna said after some time had elapsed in a similar quiet tension.

"Hmm?" she asked startled.

"I said you are not bound to Pitashri's goals and ambitions anymore, you can now exercise your choice" he explained.

He was not being able to stop the gnawing thought of his own plight and the comparatively better one of his sister that sprung in his mind. He pushed it away quickly, forcing a smile on his lips.

"And you can't, Bhratashri?" she asked concerned.

"There are several shackles binding me, Draupadi" he answered averting his eyes from the scrutinizing gaze his sister was currently subjecting him to, "I am tied up in many ways dear sister."

Draupadi pressed her lips into a tight smile. She stood up and walked to the fire stand nearby, dropping off the wet and bloodied cloth pieces into the fire. She turned to Dhristyadyumna again, the smoke and burning light of the fire giving her face an unnatural hazy glow.

"No one can be as bound as Aarya was" she said in a voice as clear as a temple bell but ringing through the room like a battle horn.

Dhristyadyumna shifted inconspicuously in his seat, years before he had seen his sister emerge from the fire altar, all fiery and bright but with eyes ever shifting in frolic and curiosity and lips always curling up in beautiful smiles at the tiniest of things, but now she again looked fiery but an unapproachable aura surrounded her, her eyes steady and hardened, her lips set firmly in a thin line barely tugging up at the corners.

"There can be no such obligation, relation, oath or promise which can restrain you from doing what is right if your spirit recognizes that voice of conscience  in you" she continued.

"What you say is right but has Angraaj Karna truly freed himself from his shackles or merely loosened them?" he asked with equal intensity.

Draupadi gulped as she witnessed her brother's eyes ablaze again, in the manner they did as she had seen when she took her first steps on the earth and In the manner she had longed to see since he came to Anga.



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