12. Subhadra Reasons

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The Indraprasth Palace was lacking in nothing but there was certainly a new addition to it. A lifelessness had set in after its queen left. Everyone went about their usual duties but there was difference. The children went about mirthlessly at the sudden loss of their mother.

"Arya I am so confused. How do I answer Sahadev's little son? Every night I put him to sleep he keeps asking me why jiji is not here and you all are? He still doesn't understand and I don't know how to make him understand?"

Arjun looked up at Subhadra. Over the past few days she had been the one who had been running the palace and also ensuring none of the brothers lost composure. She was heavily pregnant but was taking care of all of them as best as she could.

"Subhadra if you had been in Panchali's place what would you have done?"

"Are you implying Jiji was wrong in what she did?"

"No no Subhadra... I mean... I can't..."

"Arya no woman can even imagine what she went through? I get shivers every time I think of it. And Jiji still kept fighting for herself all alone. I truly admire her for that. And don't get me wrong Arya but Jyest bhratashri Yudhistir staked her in the game as though she was a mere commodity in the hope of winning back all that he lost. Prior to this she let herself be divided amongst you five brothers like a commodity just in order to keep you five as one. She accepted me in spite of everything. After all the sacrifices she made for you all she certainly did not deserve to be treated like this."

She paused to gauge her husband's reactions. She could decipher nothing so she decided to continue.

"And if Angraj Karna had not intervened can you even imagine what might have happened. Arya she has to decide the best for her life and tell me which woman would accept or even respect her husband who has failed, that too so miserably."

Arjun nodded. She still couldn't understand what exactly was going on in his mind.

"What should we do now Subhadra?"

"Move on in life Arya. Jiji has to move on in her new life. And we all have to move on in this new turn in our lives. Think about the children. They have to be educated properly. They need a childhood of love and care not neglect or frustration or sorrow. First we adults need to sit down together and discuss everything properly and then make plans for the future."

"You are right Subhadra. You are absolutely right my dear. But before that I need to get a final talk with my first love."

"Arya... what are... Arya wait! Arya!"

She helplessly watched the rapidly diminishing figure of her husband. A silent prayer for peace left her lips.   

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