11. Unusual Behaviours

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Karn was rather intrigued by her behavior that night. They were having dinner and his wife was being unusual.

"Panchali why are you only serving me and not eating yourself? Where is your plate?"

"A wife should eat after her husband and wait on him as he eats"

"Panchali you should not have heard our conversation today"

She looked up startled before turning away trying to normalize her expressions but he only laughed more.

"Next time you intend to spy on someone make sure you keep your jewellery behind at least those that are sonorous"

Now there was no point pretending and gave in even managing to bring a slight smile on her lips.

"Now, Draupadi I and my family have always enjoyed our meals together. And I intend to continue enjoying my meals"

He gestured to one of the servants who brought in her plate and began serving her. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of admiration for him creep into her.

"Do you like this place Panchali?"

"Yes I do. It is beautiful. The palace is simple and elegant has the charm that philosophers would love to live in. It is different. Was it like this when you came here first?"

"No it wasn't. I worked on the renovations. I am glad you like it."

"Tell me about Anga."

"Well it isn't very big nor is it small. Our agricultural fields are quite fertile and the dense forests extremely resourceful and rich in sandalwood trees, rosewood and more other than the various medicinal herbs, elephant etc. There are also some rich coal and iron mines which are yet to be utilized properly. Our chief trading partners are Magadh, Hastinapur, and Kashi. I am going to introduce some social reforms now that the country is independent. And yes our sea port also earns quite a bit of revenue."

"Oh... What kind of reforms Angraj Karn?"

"Reforms of equality. Equality in availing opportunities, education, before law, I want to create a social system based on merit than on birth."

"You have a grand vision ahead of you."

"Yes I do and I also have the desire and perseveration to translate it into action."

She smiled at him.

"Is there a way I can be a part of running the kingdom with your new vision?"

"I will assign you your duties tomorrow."

With that he fell silent. She couldn't understand why. Was it contemplation or did he take offence at something?

His thoughts went back to the day of the swayamvara.

All the suitors present there looked on her with lust. He hadn't gone there with any expectations but when the contest was announced he couldn't help feeling a bit excited. He was confident he could pass the test easily.

He still didn't look at her directly. It was wrong and even berated Dushashan for the same but couldn't do the same for Duryodhan when he asked him to win the contest on his behalf. He had proceeded with a clouded conscience to the arena but Dhristadyumna stopped him. He was relieved then not because he wanted Draupadi, not entirely, but because it would have wronged her.

But Duryodhan asked him to take part for himself and it was only then that he turned his gaze to her, even if for a fleeting moment, but her kajal lined eyes bedazzled him. Stringing the bow, his mind was focused again but some kind of attraction and expectation for her had begun filling him. All was going well until she haughtily spoke out those cursed words -

"I will not marry a sutputra."

"Angraj Karn why did you stop eating?"

The question spoken in the same voice but soft and gentle broke him from his reverie. The same Princess of Panchal, this time wearing his churamani on her head was looking at him questioningly but without a trace of her prior haughtiness.

"Be present at court tomorrow on time Draupadi" he said before leaving the room and his wife staring after him in bewilderment.

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