42. A Mute and Perplexed Spectator

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"Pranipat Pitashri" Draupadi said folding her arms, smiling at him warmly.

Drupad reciprocated with only a nod and a wry smile. Dhristadyumnaa was a little warmer to her than her father but definitely curt, although his eyes betrayed a sense of weariness.

"Maharaj Drupad" Karna began smiling courteously at his in-laws, "Yuvraj Dhristyaduymn"

Draupadi winced imperceptibly when Karna addressed her father by his royal title and not the kinship term, but Drupad appeared to be satisfied and even egotistically pleased at the address.

"You both must be tired from your long journey" Karna continued "Your chambers have been prepared. You may refresh yourselves until dinner."

Draupadi was about to offer to show them to their chambers when she found Karna's peripheral vision resting on her for split second before he quickly interjected.

"This is Shushen, your head attendant" he said, turning his head slightly to a middle aged man, "He will escort you to your chambers for your stay here. If you require anything, please let him know anytime, he will be attending to them immediately."

"Hmm, we shall be joining for dinner" Drupad said dismissingly, already starting to walk on "Then we can talk much."

Draupadi was stunned this time, did her father and twin just walk away, exchanging hardly a word with her? Did her husband just prevent her from spending some time alone with her family? Did all them just treat her in such an insignificant manner, like the flower petals strewn all over the pathway which was now being hurriedly cleaned up by a few servant?

She walked  wordlessly with her husband who escorted her to the royal kitchens and then hurried away, leaving her to her own bewilderment.


"I hope your journey has been without any difficulty" Karna said politely but with a tinge of sarcasm "There was a hardly any news or communication of your travels for a while."

"Yes it was a smooth journey" Drupad replied uncaring of the rice he put into his mouth "We did not face any problem. Even if we did, Panchal army and my son Dhristyadyumn are very capable warriors."

Draupadi was pained, her father had not even noticed or at the most not made any acknowledgement of the fragrant rice mixed with ghee and dry fruits, which Draupdi had carefully overseen the cooks preparing, which she knew was her father's favourite.

"I have no doubt in their capabilities" Karna said politely, deciding to keep the later addition to his mind 'to handle a few disorganized road bandits or wild animals'

"Anga has been prospering by the minute everyday" Drupad continued, a tiny grudge in his voice "The country has become the growing the talk of Aryavart and same goes for its progressive ruler."

"Rulers" Karna interjected giving his father-in-law a keen look, while sending a quick smile to Draupadi "Your daughter has very much been a part of the making of this new Anga as have been my loyal and sincere ministers and of course most importantly the people of Anga."

Draupadi smiled proudly. His words were spoken sincerely. She had never expected him to acknowledge her thus. He spoke with conviction like a true, determined king.

"Hmm. My daughter is" Drupad began pausing to glance at his daughter who had sat up straight, her eyes eagerly waiting for some word from him but something inside him pulled him back "My daughter had been lapped in the riches and luxuries of Panchal."

Painful shock coursed through her body as Draupadi unconsciously lowered her head staring intently at the bowl of daal, as though it was an immensely interesting object.

She was deliberately averting her eyes from the pointed manner Drupad was gazing at her with now and the sharp glare Karna was sending her discreetly.

She bit her lips regretting her decision to dress lightly with some simple and inconspicuous jewellery for dinner. It had not mattered before when she and her husband lived alone in the palace but tonight, she realized, she should have been more careful.

"Yes, Panchali is indeed sophisticated. Dhristyadyumn how is your training going on?" Karna asked, quickly changing the topic.

Draupadi did not listen to his conversation with her brother. Her head was reeling under a mass of questions. This visit, this dinner, this talk had turned out so differently from what she had anticipated, from what she could have ever imagined.

She realized then that the men were involved in their own covert, silent war of which she could only be a mute and perplexed spectator.


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