68. Braiding Hairs and Thoughts

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"Choice is yours—Either you accept my conditions or cast aside your wish" Karna stated with an air of finality, his mind already tearing up at the partial denial of Danveer (generous hero) Karna to fulfill his own wife's wish.

"I accept your conditions" Draupadi replied emotionlessly but the drooping corners of her lips told another story.

Karna nodded satisfied while Draupadi sighed, mentally reminding herself that she had expected an outright no, convincing herself that this was a far better arrangement and would only be in place for a little while.

She wondered if she should thank Karna, when she felt a tiny pull at the back of her head and then to her great surprise found her half done braid in her husband's hands.

"Aarya" she muttered, watching the thick divisions of her long black hair slipping between her husband's strong, smooth fingers.

"Hmm?" he mumbled, undoing some of the interweavings of the thick braid.

"What are you doing?"Draupadi asked, hesitantly raising her hand near his.

"You were doing it from this point" Karna explained, leaning closer to get a better grip of the braid without pulling it, "See...in this interweaving you had placed the wrong strand over the other..."

She did not respond as she continued gazing fixedly at the considerably deft motions of her husband's fingers as they slowly moved down the length of her hair revealing the gradually forming braid.

Draupadi tried hard to keep her shoulders from stiffening noticeably, it had been some months since any man had touched her hair since the second oldest Kaurava prince had her dragged by her shining long tresses, which no man had ever touched before except in reverent love.

Now she watched her husband diligently braiding it, the softest of expressions adorning his face that she had just witnessed harden under an unusually firmness that accommodated no dissent.

"Aarya" she said, a little nervously, "You know how to braid hair?"

"Doesn't my current engagement stand testament to the fact" Karna said looking up from his work, giving her a quick smile as she watched the incredulous expression on her face.

He liked his fierce queen sitting before him but her outburst had made him realize the passionate flame that had burned in her before had now been dampened to an extent by the hurt and betrayal she had been subjected to and had no chance to heal, but now he would change that.

She was his wife in name alone and nothing more, but he would help her heal like another fellow human being. He may even be able to rekindle that flame in her, and hold her dear to himself.

He was afraid, many inhibitions would pull him back but he could learn to overcome them all in the long run, and perhaps there would come a day when she would have eyes only for him, her heart would beat only for him and every aspect of her being would belong to him alone and none else.

"Don't look at me like that, Panchali" he said, laughing lightly, "The braiding technique is used to make some very fine and strong ropes."

"What...?" Draupadi retorted, unable to stop herself from raising an indignant eyebrow, "You sai—"

"No" Karna interjected hastily, "No force in the universe can imply your lustrous soft hair is rope."

"Oh...I meant..." Draupadi muttered, her quick temperament had yet again embarrassed her, "It is unusual for men to know..."

"Oh no no" Karna laughed, "We warriors are trained in more skills than you can imagine. Besides, when I was young I was the only one who had the energy to run after Vrushali all day and then patiently sit her down and tie her hair, all the while withstanding her squirming and playful excuses."

Draupadi pulled back a little, almost unconsciously as she gazed at her husband intently who seemed lost in his reminiscing his childhood days.

"You know something, Anupama Kaki ultimately gave me the task of tying her daughter's hair every evening" Karna continued oblivious to his wife's increasing wariness, "Vrushali was such a mischievous girl, she—"

He couldn't complete his speech as the braid slipped out of his hands, Draupadi reclining back away from him, an almost childishly sulking expression schooling her beautiful facial features.

"What was that for—?" Karna asked a little sharply, annoyed at being disturbed from his task which no matter, required a skill which he had not practised in a long time and demanded more focus from his end.

"Um..." Draupadi mumbled, she recalled the last time they had spoken of Vrushali and he had lost his temper at her jealously, and again she would not knowingly trigger him in a similar manner, "Nothing."

Karna cast her a dissatisfied look while she help up the braid with a quiet smile signaling him to resume his work. She watched him at the task again, a tiny frown playing on his lips. Why did she have to be so impulsive most of the time, her husband was only being honest with her and she just spoilt his mood.

"There, done" Karna said after some time, delicately letting the thick braid fall on her before standing up and walking over to her.

He smiled at her, wordlessly pushing her down by her shoulders until her head touched the pillows. She complied without a protest, lying herself down comfortably.

The lamps were dimming fastand soon darkness would pervade the chamber, she was about to shut her eyeswhen she startled as the other side of the mattress creaked.



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