41. Strange Coincidence- 2

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A little farther from them, stood her husband. Karna gave her a tiny smile and a nod gesturing her to enter. She could sense the atmosphere of the room was tense and the reasons for it were far more than what she had gathered knowledge of a few moments back.

"Aarya what's happening?" she asked once they were alone "Where are Mata and Pitashri?"

"Yes, yes, Panchali" Karna said forcing a smile on his face "I was going to inform you over breakfast, they left for Hastinapur with the first rays of the sun for some urgent work, but they left their blessings for you. And also I—"

"And their departure strangely coincided with my father's arrival, right?" she cut him, looking straight into his eyes, "Why Aarya, this would have been a great opportunity for our parent to meet and why didn't you tell me about this earlier. My father is probably arriving today and everyone in the palace is aware of it except me."

"Panchali" Karna began softly, pressing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly "Even I was not sure when he might arrive, after I received his letter on the main Navararti day, stating his departure from Panchal, there was no other communication with regards to his travel from neither from him nor from my spies until yesterday night."

Draupadi listened, nodding in understanding, hoping her husband did not notice the slight blush creeo up her cheeks when he mentioned yesterday night.

"And this won't be a good time for both our parents to meet each other" he continued "This is a big change, my parents got to time and space to adjust to it and your father too needs to given the same."

"I see now" she replied thoughtfully, carefully observing his behaviour, something about him wasn't right today, "Aarya, why are you tensed and worried?"

She observed his shoulders stiffen and his eyes widen in shock for a fraction of second before his heavenly smile returned his lips.

"Panchali, which man wouldn't be nervous when he has to face his wife's father?" he said laughing softly "Come now Panchali, let's eat. I am hungry. We can talk more over breakfast."

She cast him a dissatisfied look, which her husband carefully chose not to notice, before heading to the dining area with him.

It was late in the evening that day when she realized her husband's uneasiness were not founded on the silly reason he had given her. The night was cloudy with a few stars and a half moon now and again hiding behind a dark opaque cloud. The servants were showering flower petals and blowing trumpets as the guests they had been preparing for all day, had finally arrived.

Draupadi had almost mindlessly run down the marble steps to her father, being towed behind dutifully by her brother, when she was pulled back sharply. Her husband's strong, smooth hand was discreetly clasped around her wrist, restraining her firmly.

She looked up at him quizzically, he was looking straight ahead at the two royal figures with their entourage walking towards them. She opened her mouth to say something but a quick, stern glance from Karna didn't let her proceed beyond that.

So she waited with silent eagerness, standing beside her husband, watching them ascend the steps but when they came in good view she was struck. It appeared time had taken a terrible toll on her family she had long left behind in Panchal.

Her father walked slowly, his eyes bearing a distant almost bitter as if searching for something and her brother... her dear brother born a few minutes before her had lost his prior enthusiastic energy, his mouth was set in a deep frown, his eyes no more had the spark but a lifeless flame burnt in them instead.

She felt her husband's grip on her wrist tighten and she welcomed it without a protest.


Hello everyone

I hope you all like this chapter :) I have been getting DMs for quick short updates. I will will try to balance the chapter lengths :) ❤

Do let me know your opinions on the chapter :)

And I would also like to thank  @Sindani_2 for those beautiful chapter images. They are very nice :) Thank you so much again! ❤

Also, I will be diverting my attention to my other stories 'Different Yet Pleasant', 'Times Intertwining Destinies' and 'Entrancing Perplexities' as well, which I have long neglected. You can check them out as well :) ❤

Happy reading ! 

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