57. Of Two Fire- Borns -3

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"It is just a minor injury, Draupadi" Dhristyudyumna said, "Angraaj and I were fighting a friendly duel with swords."

"But one doesn't draw blood in a friendly duel" Draupadi retorted, gently cleaning the drying blood from around the cut, her eyebrows raised at her brother pointedly.

"Relax" he said, giving his sister a quick grin, "And be easy with the medicine. I lost focus for a few seconds and it resulted in this. It was an accident."

He deliberately buried his head to his wound, lest she should see the nervousness on his face. He could not tell her what exactly had transpired during the fight, or why he lost focus, how he lost. 

He couldn't make his sister's life any more difficult than it already was. He wanted to know more about her life and desires here and owning the complete truth before her would not only be an impediment in his purpose but also unnecessary.

"That's strange" she replied, her eyebrows furrowing in dissatisfaction, "You seldom lose concentration when in combat."

"Well Angraaj Karna is right. I do need to work on my stamina, lest I stand chance of being easily slain—"

"Sush" Draupadi said urgently, pressing her fingers against his lips, "Don't talk about death Bhratshri (elder brother)."

"I won't again. I am sorry" he answered, smiling affectionately at her, bringing down her hand from his lips, "Forgive this foolish brother of yours."

Draupadi kept quiet and looked intently into her brother's eyes trying to gauge every emotion those deep black orbs held behind them. How much had those eyes seen since she got married? How much had he to endure and accept in the years she was absent in his life? How many things had they seen which she had been oblivious to so far?

"Who started the duel, Bharatshri?" she asked after some time, resuming her work on the wound.

"Angraaj challenged me and I obliged" he answered.

"And you lost?"

"Yes, fair and square."

She didn't reply immediately. She was well aware that it was intended as more than a friendly duel between two brothers in law to break the ice between them. Her husband was not one to get involved in baseless verbal arguments and she knew it was her husband's way of showing her brother and father that they mustn't overbear much. But she worried for her brother.

"Does Pitashri know about this?" she asked cautiously. She was unsure of how he would react to her indirect lauding to his failure, knowing very well of the fragile egos men carry.

"No, thankfully he doesn't yet" he replied,

While unabashed relief was spread across his face, sister's being crumpled from within. She could never have imagined the metamorphosis her brother had undergone in a few months, he was ever aflame and energetic but that youthful vigour now seemed lost...lost to...to someone's revenge.

"It is good he doesn't know, lest he would pressurize you to no end" she stated bluntly.

He nodded wordlessly. For a few minutes he sat still, his eyes fixedly watching the reflections on the hot water bowl dispersing and settling as his sister dipped the clean cotton cloth in it.

When Angraaj Karna had beat him, he had not felt totally bad and Angraaj had not made any sarcastic comments like his father did every time his military calibers failed to impress the latter, nor had he ignored him and left but rather sat down beside him and examined his injuries like a brother in law.

And he felt strangely satisfied when he witnessed that caring side of Karna. It had answered his many apprehensions. And the guilt he had been harbouring in his heart for failing to protect his sister, however irrational it was, had been washed away- Angraaj Karna's had vented on him and his sister was safe from his anger, which he otherwise might have misplaced on her.

"Bhratashri, what are you thinking about?" Draupadi asked curiously.

"About your husband" he answered absent mindedly.

"What...?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows incredulously.

"Ah...oh" he startled out from his reverie, now focusing his complete attention on her, "Angraaj Karna is truly noble. And what a fine warrior he is! I didn't know he excelled in any other weapon other than the bow and arrow but he is adept at swords."

Draupadi smiled at this praise of her husband from her brother. No matter what she had craved for her family's good opinion of her marriage and now she knew at least her brother approved.



Hello everyone

Do let me know what you like the most from this chapter? Dhristyadyumna wants to know more about his sister's well being and innermost wishes, which will be dealt with in the next chapter, how do you think the conversation between the twins would go? What might be Draupadi be harbouring in her mind? How would Dhristyadyumna react?

Hope you liked the chapter:) I will be updating the next part by tomorrow or day after:) ❤❤

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