8. Maharani of Anga

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"Putri Draupadi its time to wake up"

She stirred as Radha gently shook her. She squinted her eyes trying to take in her surroundings. It was not yet daybreak and sky had just turned to light up slightly. She looked at her mother in law confused before realization dawned on her.

"Putri you and my son have to embark on your journey to Anga. Karn is already out. You should get ready now."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Radha and Adhirath stood with tearful eyes proceeding to bid farewell to the newly wed couple. Radha placed Karna's crown on his head tenderly kissing his forehead.

"We will come visit you sometime soon" Adhirath said with a gentle smile.

She noticed his face light up with surprise and ecstasy.

"Yes" His mother nodded smiling "Now it is getting late. It is a long journey"

They touched their feet and proceeded.


Anga was a beautiful place. The people bowed as their rath proceeded through the streets. They were cheering for their King and new Queen. The palace was beautiful. The sun seemed brighter than usual illuminating everything its rays fell on.

The chariot stopped at the palace gates. Karna helped her down. They walked ahead as the servants threw flower petals at them. The palace was beautifully decorated. She was definitely surprised at the grand preparations and perhaps sensing this her husband whisperd to her discreetly.

"I want to limit the spread of rumours and gossips as much as possible"

Suddenly the implications of the whole affair dawned on her. She began understanding the full extent of Karna's decision or rather sacrifice. She wanted to ask him so many things but couldn't partly because she couldn't muster enough courage and partly because there were too many people around.

Karn stopped at a large beautiful door and turned to her.

"Panchali behind this door lies your chambers. Your maids will take care of you. If you need anything you can tell me directly" he said opening them for her "Now if you will excuse me. I need to attend to some important matters of the kingdom."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her maids showed her around her chambers. Her chambers were luxurious and pretty. Though not magical like Indraprasth but they had their own character. She better put away all thoughts of Indraprasth and her 5 husbands. She had to put her past behind her. She was now Karna's wife and the Maharani of Anga.

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