79. Yudhistira's Remorse -1

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Galloping over every moon beam, the nightly messengers of the Goddess of Sleep had encompassed the palace of Indraprasth, dying it with a sheen of serene stillness. With graceful stealth they indulged in silent revelry through the magical passageways and opulent chambers, inundated by silvery moonlight and the  flickering flames of some scant diyas (earthen lamps) placed in some some hidden corners. 

However the king of this prosperous land payed no heed to call of slumber, sitting on his straight backed chair, toying with a paper weight. His ears picked up the distant creaking of bed yet not shifting his unfocussed gaze from the pile of paperwork strewn on the table. 

He did not flinch when his senses registered a soft hand on his shoulder. He smiled sadly to himself, turning around; the sight had become not too uncommon an occurrence now every other night, as they would sit through the nocturnal hours plowing through the barren, dusty fields of bygone days denuded of several of its prior joys but dotted with weeds hither and thither.

"I could not sleep so I decided to do some study of my own on the shastras" he said, now unbothered with preambles of enquiry apropos of possibly having disturbed her sleep.

"You did? That's wonderful!" came a soft response.

"Yes, I haven't had much time to indulge in scholarly pursuits and tonight sleep appears to evading me"

His own strained voice surprised him as he turned back around to face his desk, pretending to shuffle with the ink pots as he accumulated his calm. He would not give his wife a reason to worry about him tonight yet again when to his surprise he found her warm presence right next to him.

"It is good to indulge in things you enjoy doing once in a while" she answered pleasantly, whilst running a hand conspicuously over the untouched stack of manuscripts laid neatly beside the clutter of administrative paper works on the majestic table, "Did you start learning the sarod(an Indian musical instrument)? I recall you expressing your desire to play the instrument earlier?"

"Uh I said, didn't I? Yudhistir's reply came in slow fragments,"That was before--"

The words refused to leave his mouth even as the soft, warm hand of his wife rested on his cheek. From his peripheral vision he could see her finger tips dyed in bright red alta, her thumb wiping away a stray tear that had slid down his eyes in a tender motion even before he registered it in his awareness. Instinctively he shut his eyes in a despondent flurry unable to meet her gaze.

"Aarya, you have to move on."

It was an oft heard refrain for him now. His lips parted in some disconcert succeeded by a long sigh as the son of Yama resolved to match his dear wife's earnest gaze with a steady one of his son.

"Devika, every act of sin requires adequate repentance" Yudhisthira said after a while.

"Aarya you and I have talked about this before, you have repented enough" The princess of Sivireplied determinedly before softening her expressions greatly, "I won't mind saying it again, and again if I need to."

A hint of carefree giggling wove through her voice as she faced away momentarily to spin the earthen lamps on the table, angling them in manner so that her husband's face was better visible in the dimly lit chamber. She struggled to keep her lips from succumbing to a painful frown as her eyes took in the defeated posture that clung to him now, gnawing away through the uptight guarded demeanour that would otherwise typify him through the day.

"I do not want to have you to keep repeating yourself, Devi" Yudhissitra spoke, unconsciously leaning into her warm hand on his cheek, "But Devi, sometimes I-"



Hello everyone!

I pray you all are keeping well. I thank you all wholeheartedly for you patience and support!

I would like to dedicate this chapter series  to DrKanu and Himaja_Mazumdar.  I could express my ideas better and easier with the aid of their roleplaying as Devika and Yudhistira respectively. I am genuinely grateful to you both. Thank you so much! ❤❤

I hope the chapter was good and you all liked it. Next part will be out soon!:D ❤

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