Chapter 16- I'll go as me

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Laura drags me around the shops by my arm, shoving things in to my arm as I stare blindly at whatever she gives me, I'm not a big one for clothes shopping. I'd happily wear merch and jeans over a dress (not literally over a dress. I wouldn't wear merch and jeans and a dress underneath, obviously.)

I do notice one or two things which Laura shoves at me which catches my eyes, not always in a good way. I manage to persuade Laura to sit down so I can get a cup of tea as I'm practically dead on my feet.

As soon as I've taken the last mouthful of my tea Laura has me stood back up on my feet and is pulling me through the shops again.

She finally pushes me into the changing rooms, passing me a few things. I close a curtain behind me skeptically, before searching through what Laura handed me. Immediately I hang a few things up, ruling them out. Believe me, I trust Laura's fashion sense... just not always for me.

I hold up a dress, which would just go down to my knees. It has a lacy pattern on the bodice and a skirt with a bit of 'flare' and is a dark red.

I try it on, awkwardly hitting my arms off the walls while struggling out of my clothes. The dress doesn't completely fit me as have a weird body shape, but it is probably the closest I'd get.

I push the curtain back slightly, peering out for Laura. She would kill me if I didn't show her something I liked.

She rushes forwards, her face glowing with delight. I feel extremely aware of my bare, pale legs and I wish I could shrink into the floor.

She clasps onto my shoulders a smile spreading across her face. "It really suits you, Fai!" she exclaims a little too loudly. A few people stare and I cringe.

I nod and smile to keep her happy. Once she lets go off my shoulders I shrink back into the cubicle, pulling the curtain closed. I pull the dress back over my head and I quickly get dressed into my comfy jeans, top and hoodie.

I run a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath. I leave the fitting rooms, holding the dress in one hand the rest of the clothes in my other hand, passing them to the lady standing near the door. I mutter a thanks under my breath escaping the fitting rooms.

I sigh a breath of relief as Laura stands by my side. "Okay?" she asks. I nod and we continue walking.

I pay for the dress. We leave the shop and the light outside is fading. I check my phone for the time and it's later than I thought.

Laura orders a taxi rather than us struggling on the metro. We stand huddled together waiting for it, the cold seeping into our bones, the snow on the ground making it worse. I curl my toes and scrunch my hands into a fist, trying to keep warm.

We stand like that for another 10 minutes before the taxi arrives. We're welcomes with a blast of heat as I open the door and climb into the seats. I scoot right across to the other side and Laura climbs in after me.

Laura tells the taxi driver our address and we sink into the warmth of the taxi, oblivious to the outside, the drifting of the snow which settles on the ground and the clothes and heads of the pedestrians outside.


My phone rings out loudly, bringing my out of my restless sleep. For a moment I'm confused but I soon realise it's my alarm, telling me to wake up.

I drag myself out of bed before realising that today is New Years eve. I pull my hands through my hair, getting rid of most of the tangles. I check the time on my phone; it reads 12:45. I didn't realise I had slept in so late.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now