Chapter 14- Christmas Shopping

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Sometimes, dreams feel so real, you wake up extremely disorientated. You take a minute or two to realise where you are and that it was just a dream. Sometimes it makes you cry and that can happen with nightmares, but also with nice dreams and that's usually the worst. That's when you find out how cruel the world can be, even in the safety of sleep.

I jolt awake, sitting up quickly in a tangle of duvet. My breath comes fast, panting almost. I tug on my hair trying to come to my senses. Soon I'm awake enough to recongnise my room with the piles of clothes on the floor, my curtains open wide, letting the only light into the room.

I untangle myself from the duvet and stand up, wrapping my arms around myself, shivering. My phone glows from my bedside table, telling me it has fully charged. I glance at the time; 2:30. Doesn't make a change for me being up at this time.

I pull a hoodie on and go down the stairs quietly. I decide to make a cup of tea and calm myself down from the dream. I start making a cup of tea but the kettle takes forever to boil. I go on my phone while waiting and find myself texting Dan. My boyfriend.

Those words still feel weird, even more so when paired with Dan's name.

You awake? I text him.

I set my phone down, not expecting a response. No doubt he's awake, he just doesn't respond to texts.

Just as the kettle finishes boiling my phone beeps making me jump and nearly knocking over the cup rack.

I pick up my phone, an expression of surprise settling on my face. I open up my messages, pressing on Dan's name. Yeah, unsurprisingly. You okay? The message reads. I type back a response, telling him yeah.

Yeah, I guess. I text back.

I finish making my tea pairing it with a packet of skittles. Slipping my phone into my hoodie, I pick up my tea and skittles and head back to to my room.

Once back in my room I pull my duvet right then I locate my laptop, cradling it in my arms before shuffling under my duvet. My phone beeps again indicating that I have another message. I open it up while drinking tea, burning my tongue in the process.

I put my tea down quickly logging onto my laptop waiting for it to wake up impatiently.

I tap my glasses which I remembered to put on before falling down the stairs. Finally my laptop wakes up and I open something up, typing rapidly.

A notification pops up. I smile and another pops up. I accept it and there is Dan on my screen, hobbit hair and everything. I grin before saying hello.

He smiles back and greets me. We talk for a little bit before he points something out. "Your accent is showing," he says grinning.

I cover my face embarrassed. "I've been told it's quite clear when I'm tired or just woken up," I tell him, drinking some tea. He laughs and soon I forget all about my dream. Is this what one person can do without even trying? If so, I'm happy with that.


When I wake up again, there is daylight pouring through my open curtains, indicating that's it's the day now.

I blink a few times before my eyes settle on the screen of my laptop, where there is a sleeping dan. His duvet is strewn around him, his top rumpled showing a patch of skin, the duvet covers the rest of him. He has one arm thrown over his eyes and the other rest against his stomach.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now