Chapter 12- Well that's a surprise.

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I try the handle of the door but it's locked so I knock on it, trying not to be too loud as it is like half twelve in the morning.

A couple of seconds later I hear footsteps and I try to keep the smile off my face. I fail miserably and as soon as Laura has opened the door she pulls me in quickly squealing. Seriously this girl can read me like a flippin' book.

She starts asking a million and one questions and I just laugh at her. I walk to the kitchen, Laura still asking questions, not even pausing to let me at least try and answer them.

Finally I tell her to shut up, in the kindest way possible. She stares at me expectantly. ''At least let me get changed first! I smell like alcohol and sweat,'' I say exasperatedly. She sighs but nods and moves out of the way of the door.

I scramble up the stairs not even caring anymore. Crashing into my room, I jump around my room, pulling clothes from piles and dumping them on my bed. I kick the door closed and quickly undress, shoving a loose top and joggers on. I grab my hoodie which is folded up on my pillow, typical Laura. I locate my phone from my jeans, putting it in my hoodie pocket.

I go back down the stairs slowly this time. I head into the kitchen where Laura is standing which two mugs in her hand. I nod at her and rest against the bench. 

''So, spill,'' she says bluntly. Laura can really get to the point when she wants to. I pull a face at her but tell her willingly what happened.

Once I'm finished telling her she squeals again and pulls me in to a hug. ''Oh Fai, I'm so happy,'' she says, a huge grin spread across her face. 

''Well, that's good Laura, I'm glad you're happy,'' I say, sticking my tongue out at her. I flick the kettle on as Laura who was wound up in her excitement forgot to.

I make the tea while Laura moves around the kitchen, humming under her breath. I hand her a mug and stand, sipping my own. I watch Laura who is staring at her mug intently.

Her blonde hair wavy down her back. She's dressed in a vest top and pj bottoms. I wonder how I got to have so many great people in my life. I never did anything to deserve Laura or Dan or Phil. Why should I get to know Dan and Phil when there is so many people who have done so much and deserve this way more than I do.

I drink my tea, mulling the nights events over in my head. What does this make Dan and I now? Maybe it was just a one time thing? I finish my tea before putting it in the sink. I move next to Laura, wishing her a goodnight and telling her to get to bed as well.

I walk to my room slowly before falling face first on to bed. Not bothering to get under the duvet, I fall asleep curled up in a ball.


Hey Fai! It's Phil, Dan gave me your number. Was wondering if you wanted to come around today? You can bring Laura if you want :)

I read the message while shoving cereal into my face. I nearly choke on it when I finish reading it. Phil asking if I wanted to come around? Fuck yeah I will!

I quickly finish my cereal and find Laura in the front room. I pounce on her and ask her if she wants to come with me. She agrees and I text Phil asking what time after saving his number into my phone.

He responds straight away telling me whenever I'm ready and he texts me the address. I stare at the address for a while, hardly believing that I have Dan and Phil's address, Just slightly stalkery but hey, I'm still a fangirl.

I shower excitedly, singing along loudly to what ever song comes on my iPod. Once showered I take awhile deciding on what to wear. I finally choose black jeans (obviously) and a 30 seconds to mars t-shirt. I dry my hair, letting it curl naturally, even though I usually hate it like that but I want to go soon. I ring my eyes in eyeliner and put mascara on my eyelashes.

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