Chapter 17- The end.

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I step in just behind Dan, Laura stand next to Phil in front of Dan and I. Dan gives me a reassure look and I smile distractedly at him.

Immediately we are joined by Carrie who has Emma tagging behind. Carrie Hope Fletcher and Emma Blackery are within a few feet of me. I grab on to Dan in excitement who laughs quietly. Phil introduces Laura and Dan introduces me. I give them a small wave. I notice Carrie look at the way I'm clutched on to Dan and she gives a sly look at Dan. I reluctantly drop his arm and follow Phil who is walking towards a table. He sits down next PJ who smiles and says hello to him.

Dan steers me away from that table to another where Carrie and Emma now sit down. I look to my side and see that Laura is sat with Phil and PJ and is chatting away to them happily. I look back at the table to Carrie and Emma. "Hi again," Dan says, pushing me to sit down and squeezing in next to me.

"Hello," Emma and Carrie say at the same time. I smile at them, which they return.

"Like I said, this is Fai. And Fai, I assume you know who they are?" Dan says a slight smirk on his face. I blush and then nod.

"Carrie and Emma, of course," I say, just loud enough for them to say.

"She's a major fangirl," Dan says pretending to whisper. I hit his shoulder and they all laugh. A song starts playing and suddenly there's coloured lights everywhere. I look at Dan from the corner of my eye, he's laughing at something. I look to where he's looking and I see Chris on the dance floor. I hadn't even realised he was here. Dan just keeps laughing at Chris who has now roped PJ in to dancing with him. They're doing some strange slow dance together. I start laughing as well.

Before I know it, nearly everyone is up dancing. Dan got up when Carrie and Emma did, but I stayed seated, watching from the sidelines. Story of my life.

I watch Laura and PJ dance together and Phil is doing a hand dance with Carrie who is singing along. Dan is with them as well, doing the same hand dance as Phil.

I fiddle with my hair, glancing up every few seconds to see everyone dancing. I watch as Dan makes his way over. He grabs my hand and pulls me up just as the song finishes. A new song comes on, a much slower one and Dan grins. I end up grinning as well as Dan and I start a very strange slow dance.

I hear Carrie and Laura talking. Carrie stares at Dan and I, a very big grin on her face. We carry on dancing, Laura and PJ by our side slow dancing as well.

I end up staying on the dance floor with Dan. Laura has decided to stick with us, mainly because PJ came over as well. I have a feeling she may already have a slight crush on PJ. I certainly don't blame her. I look at PJ who is immersed in a conversation with Phil and Chris. His curl hair nearly flopping in to his insanely green eyes. He's dressed in a shirt and jeans like most of the others. He has a small grin on his face, presumably because of the conversation with Chris and Phil. His green eyes are alight with what I can only call glee.


Everyone continues to dance, sing, laugh and drink until someone announces that there is only 20 minutes until midnight, when fireworks are going to be set off.

Everyone collects their drinks and we all tumble outside on to the moderate sized balcony. We had to climb about 20 million stairs to get to the room where everyone was when we arrived.

Dan tugs my arm gently, he edges us close to the front of the balcony where we will have a clear view. We all excitedly wait until the countdown for the new year begins. I clasp Dan's hand, no one paying enough attention to notice. We all shout along to the countdown loudly, Dan and I watching each other, our eyes never leaving each other.

As the countdown gets to 5 Dan leans in towards me and whispers "This is to us." I grin at him and he kisses me gently as everyone shouts the number one. I hear the fireworks and the cheering around us but its muted because all I can think about is Dan kissing me and how I think I've completely fallen head over heels for a boy, who I never thought would know me and he just might feel the same way.


A/N Uh... Hi? *Hides* I guess this is the last chapter of Nerds Unite!

The story is pretty short, I know. I didn't originally plan to make it only 17 chapters long, I planned it to be around 20-21 chapters long, but I guess I found the right ending.

I guess this has been a kind of cool journey because whoever you are, you stumbled on my story and you saw how my writing has developed since chapter one. This is cringey but I love you all and thank you so much for reading my story!

The video on the side is a song by Dodie Clark or Doddleoddle (depends on how you know her I guess ;D) I think it is so close to this part and plus, Dodie is a fabulous singer! (Like seriously, she's adorable)

I feel all weird inside. I feel emotional because I started this book last year! Yes, I did take quite a long break at one point but I wasn't doing so great in that time. It's taken a long time for a 17 chapter story. I don't want it to end but all stories have an ending. I may or may not have something planned for another book *taps nose* ;)

I also dedicated this last chapter to @Bloodyloveherondales because she has been with me throughout this story. I couldn't ask for a better friend! We've been friends for just over a year now but it honestly feels much longer than that. I wouldn't know what I'd do if I hadn't decide to talk to her and actually become friends. Thank you Mal, I love you <3

I love you guys and again, thanks!

For the last time in Nerds Unite;

~Becca *Salutes and waves*

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now