Chapter 10-Maybe it's not so bad

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''Are you going to go or not?'' Laura asks me. I told her Dan had invited me to a party. She knew how bad it went for me at parties but she still thought I should go. I fell back into my habit of chewing on my lip before Laura nudge me slightly and I pressed my lips together.

We were stood at the kitchen where we had made more tea, which we were currently drinking. My cup was held with both of my hands as I stood staring into it, pondering whether I should go or not. I carried on staring into my cup before looking at Laura, who was watching me intently. I took a breath and told her I would go.

She grinned at me before taking a sip of her drink. ''When is it?'' she asks eagerly.

''Tomorrow. It starts at 6:30.'' Laura glances down at her watch before responding.

''Awesome! Now, I'm going to head to bed. I have work tomorrow, unfortunately.'' I wish her a good night and headed back to the front room, while she went upstairs.

Sinking down onto the sofa, I pick up my phone ready to answer Dan. I type back a quick reply, telling him I would love to come and asking what time I should be ready for.

I lay my phone down next to me and look at the dimming screen of my laptop. I tap my finger against the mouse pad and the screen becomes bright again, just as the my phone lights up as well.

I pick up my phone and open the message which tells me to be ready for 6:10. I reply, telling him okay and good night.

A few seconds later, my music is playing through my headphones again.


The moment I wake up, my covers pulled up over my shoulders and nestled around my chin, my thoughts are immediately on the party I'm going to with Dan today.

A groan escapes my mouth and I pull the covers up above my head. I rub my eyes before shuffling out from under my covers. My glasses rest on the bedside table and I grab them, shoving them on before grabbing a hoodie.

Welcoming the warmth of my hoodie against the harsh coldness of the flat, I make my way downstairs, stumbling slightly on the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, strong smells of coffee come from the kitchen and I wrinkle my nose slightly. What is the appeal of the smell of coffee? Everyone says they like the smell of coffee in the morning but it makes me want to go and crawl under my covers just to get away from the strong smell.

The kitchen door swings open before I even have a chance to step towards it. Laura apears at the door in her usual work clothes with a big jumper over the top and boots. Her hair is let down in her natural waves and her green eyes are outlined with a small amount of eyeliner, with mascara on her already long lashes. ''I thought you were at work today?'' I grumbled, taking a step towards her.

''I've already been to work for a couple of hours. I have half the day off,'' she replies, stepping to the side so I could be past. I mumble a response and walk into the kitchen. The smell of coffee is even stronger in here. It takes some effort not to walk straight back out of the kitchen and to just go back to bed.

I make a cup of tea and drink it while staring into space. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn my head towards Laura, who's looking at me expectantly. ''What did you say?'' I ask her, setting my cup down.

''I asked you if you knew what you were wearing for the party later,'' she repeats. I stay silent for a few seconds before admitting to her that I have no idea.

''He said it was just a casual party, so I'm not putting loads of effort into it,'' I explain to her. She watches me for a few seconds.

''You've got to be ready for 10 past 6, right?'' I nod. ''It's 10 past 1 now,'' she mumbles to herself. I drain the rest of my tea before placing it in the dishwasher. ''I'll help you sort your outfit out if you want?''

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now