Chapter 15- My first video

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Dan arrives on my doorstep holding a tripod and a few other pieces. "Someone ordered a video specialist?" he asks with a very serious tone. I nod back in an equal serious air about me. On christmas Laura got me a camera so I could start my own youtube channel.

I take him to my bedroom which I tided up yesterday. I was going to take this seriously. If there was one thing I was going to do, it was make videos. Ever since I started watching YouTube I had wanted to make videos and Laura had given me that push to do it.

Dan helped me set up and I looked at the basic script I had written. I rehearsed it in my head as Dan gave me a few tips. "One important piece of advice, Fai, don't use inspiration off my first video," he kissed my cheek before stepping behind the camera. I perch on the edge of my bed and take a deep breath before nodding at Dan.


After redoing it about 50 million times I had successfully filmed my first video. I dropped face down onto my bed. "That was so embarrassing," I say, my voice muffled by my duvet. I feel the bed sink down next to me indicating Dan sat down. He traces a pattern on my arm. I roll over so I can look at him. "Dan?"

"Yeah?" he looks at me.

"I'm hungry," I tell him with a somber voice. He mock punches my arm and stands up. I lift my hands up and he grabs them hauling me off the bed. He keeps a hold of my hands and stands facing me.

"Fai, as you are now a youtuber in progress you must edit that video before anything else. Videos before life, got it?" he tells me a playful grin playing on his lips. I frown at him. "Joking, you can do it later, lets go get some food." I flick his arm before quickly kissing him and pulling him to the door.


After we ate we walk for a bit, huddling together trying to keep warm. As soon as we had stepped foot outside it had started snowing, covering the ground in even more snow than before. We walk into a park where every inch of ground is covered in snow, some patches haven't even been walked on. My face lights up and Dan sees my grin. I let go of Dan and I scoop up some snow, packing it tightly into a ball. Before Dan even realises, I throw it at him and I hit his shoulder. He stares at me before swiping up some snow of his own. He throws it before I can dodge out of the way and it hits the back of my head. I slip over and gasp. I quickly gather some snow making sure Dan doesn't see.

"Oi, Dan," I say turning around on my butt and I throw the snowball at him, aiming at his face. My aim was successful and it hits him square in the face. I burst out laughing at his expression and he stalks towards me wiping the snow off his face. I shrink futher into the ground, my jeans soaking from the snow and sending chills through me.

When Dan gets to me he sits down on the ground. I make a noise of surprise. "I deserved that, if I'm honest. I did make you slip over. Are you okay?" He tries to keep a smirk off his face but fails miserably.

I cross my arms sulkily. "I'm fine, I guess." I see Dan roll his eyes and pulls me closer to his side. He grabs my hands and pulls me up. I shiver slightly but it's not just from the cold.

I'm aware of the snow tumbling down around us, settling in my now curly hair. Dotted snowflakes on Dan's shoulders, bright against his dark coat, catching my attention but not enough so to take the attention away from Dan's face close to my own. He rests his forehead against mine and sighs, his breath hot against my cold face. I close my eyes wanting to stay in this moment forever, not wanting time to catch up on us.

The cold seeps into my shoes freezing my toes but not even that bothers me, not the dampness of my jeans from where I fell over.

I know what could happen if one of the phandom members came along now, easily recongnising Dan with some random girl. I know that they could easily rip me to shreds with a few words. No one knows the affect of the phandom like an actual member of them.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now