Chapter 4- Controlling inner fangirls.

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Everything seems to go quiet for a split second then everyone's talking, some coming towards me. I immediately see Laura in the group that is heading towards. I drop my bag onto the floor as I wait for Laura to get her butt over here.

When she finally gets over here I plaster a smile on to my face, trying to look happy but I have a feeling my smile probably looks really fake. However, Laura has a genuine smile on her face. I knew she was planning something.

"What do you think?!" She exclaims. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this. It was nice of Laura to go through all of this but honestly, I'm not one for parties, especially surprise ones.

"It's great, thank you!" I'm half telling the truth.

"I know you don't especially likes birthdays never mind parties, but you'll like this one," there's a mischievous hint to her voice, which I may be slightly scared of because I have no idea what else she may have planned. So instead of worrying about it, I pull her into a hug.

I'm surprised by the amount of people here seeing as I don't have many friends. I recongnise a few of them straight away, whereas some of them, it takes a little longer to place them. A few people come up holding gifts. I accept each one, thanking the person who give it to me and a smile on my face.

After about 10 minutes, Laura gets a text on her phone and moves off to the corner of the room. I watch her as she reads it, the excitement on her face clear. I see her quickly reply then she comes back to me. "Alright?" I ask her.

"Yep! Every thing is fab!" She has a huge grin on her face, which leads me to think something is about to happen. I get slightly nervous at the thought so I end up chewing on my lip. I try to push the thought of it away, so I can enjoy what is happening right now, but it turns out to be harder than I thought.

A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and before I can react, Laura is away out of the front room. She must know who it is. I shrug to myself and carry on talking to the person I was having a conversation with.

I hear the the front room door open so I turn towards it expecting to see Laura and some other person she invited. Instead Laura comes in by herself. She rushes over to me and everyone goes silent. "Happy birthday Fai," she says as the door opens again and in walks the last two people I'd ever see here. Dan and Phil. Dan Howell and Phil Lester.

I stand frozen still as the sight registers in my mind. Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil are stood in my front room. This can't be real. I must be dreaming or something. Wait, they're walking towards me. Oh my god.

I still haven't moved since they walked into the room. I'm trying my hardest not to scream right now and embarrass myself. I'm aware of everyone staring at me, but I couldn't care less because my idols are a few steps away from me.

I let out some sort of incoherent noise as they stand in front of me. Both of them have their famous grins on their faces. Dan comes up to me first and pulls me into a hug. "Happy Birthday," he whispers. I wrap my arms around him and I never want to let go but I do so I can then hug Phil.

Phil's hugs are just like people described them, amazing. Just like his name. "Happy Birthday, Faith!" He says louder than Dan. As he lets go I have a huge grin on my face because I can't believe this is happening.

I turn to Laura who also has a massive grin taking up her face. I close the gap between us and pull her into a tight hug. "You are amazing Laur! How on earth did you get them here?!" I say into her ear as I hug her.

"I know people," she says mysteriously. I shake my head at her as I step back. I turn back towards Dan and Phil who are talking to each other. They notice me looking at them so they turn to look at me. I move forwards slightly to talk to them.

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