Chapter 11- But I'd look like a weirdo...

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My hand stayed clasped with Dan's throughout the duration of the party. His hand was soft and warm in mine. Phil had joined us not long after our brief kiss. He had noticed our hands but instead of commenting he just smiled at the both of us.

I was just about to say something to Dan when Ally appears at his side. She has a sickening sweet smile on her face which makes me cringe. Ally places one of her small hands on Dan's arm, looking up at him. ''Having Fun?'' she asks Dan. He smiles at her and nods. I squeeze Dan's hand and he tilts his head to me, smiling. Ally lets out a strange noise and both Dan and I's heads turn towards her quickly. Her face has turned red, or at least I think it has as it's hard to see in this light. She's focused on my hand in Dan's. I make a nervous noise in the back of my throat. Ally lifts her head up to glare at me, before spinning around quickly and rushing off.

Dan looks at me with a strange look. ''What's up with her?'' he asks, curious. I just shrug and shuffle my feet. I dig my spare hand into my pocket and bring out my phone and I look at the time. It's just past midnight, I glance up at Dan and Phil. They're both chatting together and I'm stood just behind Dan, still clasping his hand.

''Dan,'' I murmur, next to his shoulder. He doesn't hear me so I raise my voice, trying not to shout in his ear. He finally hears me and turns so his shoulder is touching mine.

''Okay, Fai?''

''Yeah, just I probably should leave soon, it's just past midnight,'' I say, loud enough for him to hear. He nods his head quickly and turns back around to say something to Phil. Phil turns to smile at me before walking off. Dan turns to me again and presses his lips against my forehead.

''Phil's gone to find Ally and call a taxi, then we can go,'' he tells me. I'm about to open my mouth to protest and tell him he doesn't have to leave yet when, for the second time tonight, he kisses me. This time the kiss last longer and he places one of his hands on my face. I smile into the kiss and I feel Dan do the same. I pull away and squeeze Dan's hand, which I'm still hanging onto.

Phil walks back up to Dan and I and Ally is following him, smiling at people as she walks past them. She comes up beside Phil a smirk on her face. ''Bye Faith, nice meeting you,'' she says, her eyes gliding past me and to Dan. ''It was great seeing you again, Dan,'' she smiles at him, her eyes glowing. ''We should meet up again soon!'' she exclaims, her voice high pitched. She runs a hand through her fairy tale golden hair and drops it back down to her side before fiddling with her short dress, showing off her perfectly tanned legs. I swallow nervously as Dan nods at her, smiling.

Ally turns towards Phil and they say their goodbyes. Dan tells me he is just going to say goodbye to one or two people and lets go of my hand reluctantly. I stand next to Phil and Ally awkwardly as they say they're saying goodbye. I watch Dan saying goodbye to someone before looking up and his eyes meet mine. I blush slightly and he just smiles. Apparently everyone is smiling today.

A few seconds later Dan is back beside me and he slips his hand back into mine. I shuffle my feet slightly as Ally looks back at us. ''Nice meeting you Ally,'' I say quietly. She doesn't do anything except walk off and we head towards the door.

As soon as the door opens, I'm hit with a blast of cold air, ruffling my hair. I shiver ever so slightly and step outside. The street is lit with streetlights, because there is so many streetlights, I can't see the stars in the sky. I frown slightly. I love looking at stars, they confuse me yet intrigue me at the same time.

We stand for a few minutes, waiting for the taxi to arrive. I stay close to Dan's side, stealing some of his warmth. I stare at Dan who seems to be in a world of his own. His soft brown eyes focused on a spot in the distance and his eyebrows are creased in concentration. I move my eyes back to the sky, wishing the streetlights weren't there so I could just stare at the stars for the rest of eternity. I block out the street around me, Dan standing next to me and Phil just a few steps away. I let my mind relax and I just take in the few moments of normality.

My mind was so zoned out that I didn't notice the taxi pull up and only realised when Dan tugged on my hand. I blink a few times and followed them, earning a few concerned looks from Dan.

I sat in the middle seat, where Dan releases my hand, resting it on his knee, like his other one. I turn towards Phil who is talking to the taxi driver, telling him the addresses. He leans back in his seat and pulls a funny face at me. I make the same face back and he chuckles slightly, as does Dan.

I rest my head against Dan's shoulder. I close my eyes, relaxing and enjoying Dan and Phil's company.

A few weeks ago I would not have imagined what is happening right now, or what happened back in Ally's house.

I could never have imagined that Dan and Phil would have been in my flat but then to be invited to a party and then Dan Howell kissing me? I could easily have mistaken this as a dream.

Maybe it is a dream? Wait, no, it can't be... I can feel Dan's warmth next to me and Phil's knee touching mine so it's got to be real, right?

I consider pinching my arm but I would look like a weirdo just randomly pinching myself. I've already shown Dan how awkward and weird I am so he knows but I honestly don't want to freak him out anymore.

Dan shuffles slightly and my head slips off his shoulder and I jerk it up quickly. ''Sorry,'' Dan murmurs under his breath. I smile slightly and sit up straight.

I stare out of the window next to Dan, watching the street lights speed past and the odd pedestrian walking along the street, looking very ominous.

I rub a hand on my forehead, feeling the effort and tiredness catching up on from the nights events. I look out of the window again, recognising the streets now, more than I did before.

Only having lived in London for awhile I still don't really know my way that much. I only venture out to the places I need to go to, like the supermarket and the... not really anywhere else. Food is more important than socialising obviously.

We're about 5 minutes from my flat when Dan speaks up. ''Thank you for coming Fai. It's been a great night,'' he says with a grin. I flash my usual crooked grin before responding.

''It's fine, honestly. I had a great night. It was great seeing you again Phil,'' I turn my head towards Phil at the last bit.

''And it was great seeing you Fai. We should hang out soon!'' I nod my head eagerly.

The taxi turns p the street on which my flat is located. I pat the pocket in my jeans which I hope has my phone in, which it does thankfully.

The taxi draws to a stop and Dan opens the and climbs out. I follow him, thanking the taxi driver. I stop next to the door and bend back into the taxi, waving bye to Phil and telling him we'll meet soon.

I close the car door and turn towards Dan. He hugs me tightly, resting his head ontop of mine. As he pulls away, he kisses my forehead lightly. ''See you soon, yeah?'' He shoves his hands into his pockets.


''Good,'' he grins. ''Well good night Fai, see you soon.''

''Bye Dan, see you,'' I wave at him and he smiles, stepping to the taxi. I walk to the flat, a huge grin on my face.

I'm still pretty sure this whole night has been a dream.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now