Chapter 7- The unfortunate magazine rack.

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Hey, straight on with the chapter!

After we stopped laughing, we made our way outside and both started walking in the opposite direction of my flat. I have no idea where that confidence came from back in the cafe when I had been sarcastic about falling over. I mean, I am naturally sarcastic, but not usually with people I don't know very well. Actually, I know Dan pretty well from his videos. That makes me sound really stalker-y.

Most Danosaurs would kill to be in my place, literally, and practically everyone else would have 100% more confidence than me. It's crazy that Dan wants to spend time with me when he could have pratically anyone else, by the amount of fans that he has. I don't particularly understand why Dan would want to spend time with me, I'm not special or anything. I'm not pretty, I have a bland personality and I'm pretty sure my sarcasm isn't funny, more like rude.

With these thoughts running through my mind, I didn't realise where we were until Dan had stopped and I only just noticed that he had. I stare up at the sign which reads 'Forbidden Planet' and excitement rushes through me. I've only been here once, when I finally persuaded Laura to take me. I never came back because I knew for sure I would get lost, but I was here now.

Dan looks towards me as if asking for permission to go inside and I nod eagerly, desperate to look around and be somewhere where I feel like I belong. Dan pushes the door open, with almost as much excitement as I feel. I follow his footsteps into the shop and immediately I feel at home.

I try to contain myself, but that was hopeless before I even stepped through the door. My eyes search around the shop hungrily. I move towards a section which holds masks and I pick one up. I spin on my heel to face Dan who is looking around the whole place with eagerness. ''Dan!'' I call to catch his attention. It works as he turns his head towards me. I hold up the mask which I was holding behind my back and say, ''It looks like you,'' I giggle, dangling the quite realistic zombie mask in front of me. He walks over to me, his grin spread across his lips. He reaches next to me and quickly snatches up a different mask.

''Well, if that one looks like me, this one looks even more like you,'' he retorts, a playful edge in his voice. He holds up a predator mask for me to see and I pull face.

''I feel flattered,'' I say sarcastically.

''You should, obviously,'' he answers, equally sarcastic. I stick my tongue out at him and place the mask back to it's original place. I turn back around to face the rest of the shop and once again, my eyes hungrily make their way across the content of it. I notice something bright yellow and I have a suspicion to what it might be. I leap towards where it is and pull it out excitedly. Apparently a bit too excitedly as I pull a load of other things out at the same time. A groan escapes my lips as I reach down to pick up all the things I managed to drop. I pile them up half neatly and grasp the yellow thing I'd originally gone for. I hold up the item of clothing in front of me gleefully. An adventure time zip up hoodie. I flip the hood over and see what I was hoping for; Jake's face on it!

I tighten my grip on it and pull it closer to my body. I look around and notice Dan watching me with an amused look on his face. I shrug half-heartedly at him and focus my attention back on the hoodie. I drape it over my arm and press it between my arm and the side of my body. I hurry back over to Dan who's attention is now on the masks we were joking about before. I stand next to him and he glances at me, looking pointedly at the hoodie over my arm. ''What can I say? I'm a huge adventure time fan,'' I confess.

''I can see that,'' he says. I move back away and notice a rack with bracelets and other accessories on it. I go towards it to get a closer look and I realise what is on the bracelets and necklaces; Runes from The Mortal Instruments. I can't help the grin that finds it's way onto my lips. I put my hand out so I can see what Runes are on them: Clairvoyant sight, Soundless, Angelic power, Heal &Painless Rune and lastly the Love Rune. I run my fingers across all the little runes. It's possibly sad that I can name each one, but I don't think it is. I notice a presence beside me and I look out of the corner of my eye to see Dan, observing what I'm looking at. I drop my hand from the bracelet that I was holding onto.

''Mortal Instruments Runes,'' I say as an explanation. He tilts his head slightly, I take it as an indication to continue speaking. I point out what each rune is and he mutters a response after each one.

''Big fan then?'' He asks curiously. I roll my eyes at him.

''Probably one of the best series I've read.''

''Sounds good,'' he edges away to look at another stand. I copy him and look at some DVDs that are stacked up. I run my finger down them as I look for an interesting one. My finger stops at a Death Note DVD. I edge it out of the pile slowly and hold it up so I can inspect the front. After looking at it for a few seconds, I slide it back onto the pile carefully. I lift my head up and look around for Dan. He's stood over something, his expression gives away that he's found something interesting. I look at his soft brown hair and notice some of it is going slightly curly. He shifts his position slightly and I drag my eyes away.

I move forwards, stepping around a rack with magazines on and stand next to a few shelves with books on them. I skim my eyes over the book spins and look to see if there's a sign or something to say what genre the books are. I quickly find one and I look at the fantasy shelf. I look at the different coloured spines of the books and I stop on one which catches my eye. I pull it out gently and read the title. I flip open the cover of the book and start to read the first paragraph like I do with every book. Once I've flicked through some of the books I step back and turn around. As soon as I turn around I crash into the magazine rack that I stepped around before. Before I can even try, it's fallen on the ground making a load of noise and leaving magazines sprayed around it. I look up, biting my lip and my eyes meet Dan's who seems to be trying very hard not to laugh, but feeling miserably. I look back down at the fallen rack hopelessly. Great going, Fai. Round of applause.

A/N. Hey guys! So this chapter is out pretty quick, right ;D. I hope you are enjoying this story so far! I'm enjoying writing it :3 See you for now!


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