Chapter 9- Daydreams and invites.

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I finally managed to persuade myself to move from the comfy position on my bed. I quickly change in to more comfy clothes; joggers and an oversized t-shirt. I have an attractive wardrobe, I know. I wearily make my way downstairs, ready for the questions that Laura is probably going to bombard me with. I hear the TV but turn into the kitchen. Flicking the kettle on, I rest my elbows on the bench watching the steam starting to rise from the kettle. The steam comes my way and soon my glasses are fogged up. I pull off and wipe the steam off with the corner of my top. I place them back on my nose and grab a cup for my tea and after a moments consideration, I grab another for Laura.

The kettle takes another few seconds to finish boiling. I grab a tea bag for my cup and I add coffee to Laura's. My hand curls around the kettle handle and I pour the scalding hot water into the cups. Once again, steam rises up and I find my glasses fogged up again. I quickly place the kettle down and wipe my glasses the same way as before.

I finish making the hot drinks and slowly make my way to the front room. The door's closed so I edge it open with my hip, holding the mugs steady. Once I'm in the room, I push the door shut with my foot and then I place Laura's coffee down on the little table next to her. I back away towards the sofa and sit in my usual position; which seems to have molded the shape of my sitting position, I've noticed. I cup my tea with both of my hands, wiggling to get comfy. The tea burns my lips as I drink it so I place lightly on me knee, still holding onto it.

I shift my gaze to Laura who's focused on the TV. I clear my throat nervously and tap my fingers on the edge of my cup. ''Laur?'' My voice is unsteady. She murmurs in a response so I carry on. ''I'm er, I'm sorry I rushed upstairs earlier and didn't answer your questions.''

Laura reaches next to her and picks up her coffee. She lifts it up to her lips but before she takes a drink, she says, ''it's fine.'' I let out a breath of relief. I don't like upsetting Laura. I start watching the TV slightly more relaxed now. I keep my attention and thoughts on the TV and what we're watching. Sometimes, it's just nice to not stress out about stuff for awhile.

Soon enough, the noise of the TV becomes a drone in the background to my thoughts. Immediately my thoughts are on Dan. My mind flashes with little snippets of what happened earlier. I remember his hug just after we left the cafe, his breath at my ear... I shake my head to clear the thoughts away, instead of getting too caught up.

A sigh escapes my mouth and I see Laura glance at me briefly before resuming watching the TV. I carrying on drinking my tea, trying to focus on the program which she is currently watching.

No matter how hard I try to watch the TV, my thoughts take over continuously. I move out of my seat, place my cup down and head upstairs to grab my laptop. I grab it off my bed and pick my headphones up along with it and then go back downstairs to the front room.

I settle back down on the sofa and become absorbed quickly into the world of the internet, where I feel the most comfortable.

I switch tabs between tumblr and twitter, sometimes facebook, but come on, who uses that as much? I click shuffle on my playlist and the first song that comes on is Madness by Muse. I tap along to the tune on my laptop, scrolling through tumblr.

My phone lights up next me and I glance at it. I notice there is a new message so I unlock my phone and click on messages.

I blink for a few seconds as I actually realise who messaged me. I skim over the message, it takes a few moments for it to sink in.

Dan asked me to go to a party with him?

I hardly ever go to parties and when I do, I usually fall over in front of everyone and then decide to leave early. Well, this is going to be great!

Uh... Hi... I'm sorry D: I haven't updated in ages I know! But Year 9 is way more stressful than I though o.o. So much homework!

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to update so you knew I was actually still continuing this story. Better short than nothing?

Anyways, I will try and start to update more often! Bye for now!

-Beccs :)

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