Chapter 13- Maybe, just maybe.

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I hold onto my cup of scalding hot tea for dear life, just managing not to drop it all over me.

I should be able to answer the question simply; I'd be ecstatic if he asked me out. So why am I having doubts? Isn't this what I always wanted since I started watching Dan?

The room has fallen quiet. Phil is still looking at his DS but sneaks looks at us and Laura is staring at the floor. I look back towards Dan and my eyes find his. He wears an expression of worry, fear and humiliation all mixed into one.

I was about to say something when Laura suddenly stands up. "We'll give you some space, won't we Phil?" Phil nods and stands up. Phil leaves first, with Laura following. She flashes me a look before leaving and I know exactly what that one look means.

I look at Dan again. "Fai-" I cut him off before he even has a chance to finish saying my name.

"Dan. This is crazy, I don't mean the question you just asked me, I mean what's happened in these last few weeks. I never expected you and Phil to walk into my flat on my birthday but you did then you came back and asked me to hang out with you and it all feels like a dream," I take a deep breath searching Dan's face. "I don't understand why someone like you would want to hang out with me," he tries to interrupt but I carry on talking. "I'm not going to bypass this friendship or whatever comes next because ever since that day I discovered you on YouTube I've always wanted to know you or at least meet you and then suddenly you ask that question and I never believed this would happen. So, Dan, I would be ecstatic if you asked me to be your girlfriend."

Dan stares at me, which isn't a surprise as its possibly the most I've ever said at once. A smile appears on his face. "Faith, would you like to be my girlfriend?" His voice is steady but he keeps running his hand through his hair and that tells me that he's nervous.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend," I answer, staring at my hands.

"Great, so that gives me an even better excuse to do this." I look up at him confused and he kisses me. His hand finds a place on my cheek and my hand curls on his chest.

There's a knock on the living room door but we ignore, not caring enough to part. His lips feel soft on mine. I feel his warm breath and the steady beat of his heart from my hand which still rests on his chest.

I hear the door creak and soon enough the sounds of Laura freaking out to Phil who just laughs. Dan laughs as well which causes him to pull away. I roll my eyes and look at the door. Laura rushes through, pulling me onto my feet. "So you said yes then?" She whispers into my ear as I hug her.

"No, it was a denial kiss," I say sarcastically. She pulls away hitting my shoulder. I put my hands up in surrender. "Kidding Laur! Of course I said yes, who do you think I am?"

"Hey Faith! I'm sure you came here for another reason as well!" Phil complains behind my back.

"You would be correct there, dearest friend of mine," I say, moving towards my bag. I pull out my DS. His face lights up in excitement holding his DS out. I chuck myself onto the sofa and Phil does the same next to me. "Pokémon battle?" I suggest and Phil laughs evilly.

"If you say so, but don't be disappointed when I crush you!" he says, with another evil cackle. I raise my eyebrows

"Oh it's on!" I declare.


I lie on the floor, my arms covering my eyes, DS dumped on the floor next to me in my despair. "I told you!" Phil sings, basking in his glory. I grumble at him, resisting the temptation to get up and hit him across the head with an iron. Someone sighs and I assume it's Dan from the direction that it came from.

"Phil, that's my girlfriend you're taunting. I could beat you at Pokémon any day," he grumbles while a shiver of excitement runs through me. Laura muffles an aw from her position next to me on the floor. I shift my arms slightly to look at Dan who has a grin on his face. Phil complains about something under his breath, trying to contain a smirk.

I drop my arms to the floor, pushing myself up. I stand next to Dan and ruffle his hair, "that's the right attitude, Dan!" He pushes my hand away but grabs it at last second, holding it in his. I wrestle my phone from my pocket looking at the time. I look up towards Laura. "What time do you guys want rid of us?" I ask, looking away from Laura.

"We haven't got anything planned, so it's up to you really," Phil says, Dan nodding in agreement. I shrug and drop to the floor, by Dan's legs. He shuffles forwards so he's also on the floor. Dan stretches his legs out, while I keep mine curled up. Suddenly Phil jumps up, giving me a fright and I end up kicking Dan. I scrunch my nose up, apologising quickly. He brushes it off and we all turn towards Phil.

"Any reason for scaring the shit out of me, Phil?" I question.

"I was just going to suggest we play guitar hero," he responds innocently. I drop Dan's hand and jump up stalking towards Phil, he cowers back and I laugh before turning back around, sitting back down. He starts laughing as well. "I thought you were going to hit me!" he yelps, between his laughter.

"Do I look like the kind of person who randomly hits people?" I tut. Dan and Laura both turn and look at me, giving me pointed looks. "What?" I shrug, just as innocent as Phil. Laura shakes her head and Dan finds my hand again. "So about guitar hero, I'm shit at it, but you can all play. I'll be like the mascot," I tell them, grinning.

"I'm sure you aren't that bad at it," Dan answers.

"No, she really is!" Laura tells Dan.

"Wow, thanks for the support, Laur." I lean my head against Dan's shoulder.

"I have to admit, I'm pretty good at it," Dan says confidently. I roll my eyes and Phil gets all of the stuff, Dan getting up and helping him. I stand up and sit next to Laura. She grins at me, her eyes bright.

I put my mouth close to her ear and whisper, "I want to know if you're okay with the recent events. It's important that you're okay with them," I say.

She whispers back, "I'm happy for you if you're happy, it doesn't matter about me because you're relationship, but I think you made the right choice. You can see how much he likes you just by the way he looks at you, Fai. I would've have said something if I thought you were doing the wrong thing. I wouldn't have stopped you, just cautioned you." I pull away from her just to hug her. I mutter a thanks in her ear.

"Alright!" Phil shouts. "Laura, you having a go?" She nods and jumps up grabbing a guitar, laughing at a joke Phil told her. I move my eyes from them and look at Dan, who's staring in to space, his dimples showing from the set of his mouth. I let my head fall back and close my eyes.

Maybe, just maybe, I have a shot at being happy for awhile, until life catches up on me.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Christmas with your families or whoever you may be celebrating with. If you don't celebrate Christmas have a freakin' great day. You are all awesome people! Merry Christmas again

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now