Chapter 5- Existential crisis thoughts.

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I'm awoken rudely by a loud pinging coming from my phone. I sit up quickly, still half asleep. I turn towards my little side table to grab my phone but I end up tumbling off my bed, taking my covers with me. I lie on the ground and bury my face into my covers before working up the energy to get up and check my phone.

Once I stand up, I pull my covers back onto my bed and then grab my phone. I unlock it and see a message from the phone company I'm with. I sigh annoyed that was what woke me up. I drop my phone back onto my side table and collapse onto my bed. I shuffle around before falling back to sleep.

When I eventually wake up properly, it's about 12 pm so I decide to go and hunt for some food. Before I go downstairs I quickly pull a hoodie on because our flat is bloody freezing in the morning. Once I've done that, I walk down the stairs slowly. When I'm about half way down the stairs I can smell something cooking. I rush down the rest of the stairs, curious to know what is cooking. I go up to the kitchen and poke my head around the side of the door.

Laura is standing at the oven/hob watching over a pan of what looks like pancakes. I pull the rest of my body around the door so I'm standing inside the kitchen. "Morning Laur," I greet her.

She turns around to look at me, "Morning Fai, sleep well?" I give her a brief nod trying not to stare at the pancakes she's cooking. I force my eyes to look up at Laura who has an amused look on her face. ''I decided to make pancakes for breakfast, knowing that you would eat them,'' she grins.

''I eat almost anything Laur, you know me,'' once again, my crooked grin finds its way onto my face. I lean against the counter, waiting for the pancakes to be ready. My mind wanders back to last night, to the party. Honestly, I still can't believe I met Dan and Phil.

Laura suddenly speaks, dragging my mind back into the kitchen. I look up at her and see she's plated up a pancake and is motioning for me to take it. "Thanks," I say. I take the plate and open one of the cupboards. I quickly grab the tin of golden syrup. I place it on the bench and pull open a draw where the cutlery is. I grab a tea spoon so I can open the golden syrup. I put my plate on the bench next to the golden syrup. I grab the tin and open it using the spoon and then I drizzle it over my pancakes, yum, golden syrup.

I quickly put the lid back on it and then I start eating my pancake. I make little noises of appreciation as I'm eating which makes Laura chuckle. I finish the pancake in a few seconds and stare longingly at the empty plate.

I put it back down on the bench and I look at Laura who's staring at me. "What?" I mumble.

"Nothing!" She exclaims chuckling again.

As she turns away, I stick my tongue out at her but she quickly turns back around. ''I saw that!'' she shouts but I just shrug.

''I'm going upstairs,'' I say as I walk out of the kitchen door. I make for the stairs and start climbing them. About half way up I miss a step and fall, sliding back down the stairs. I try to stop myself by flailing my arms about to catch a step but I fail horribly and then I'm just lying with my legs on the floor and my chin resting one one of the steps.

I hear the kitchen door creak behind me and then I hear Laura's laughter behind me. ''Planning on getting up?'' she asks between her laughter.

''Actually,'' I mumble to the stairs, ''I'll stay here thanks.'' Laura walks over and looms over the top of me.

''Your choice,'' she answers before stepping around me and going up the stairs. My eyes follow her as I watch her walk up them without any accidents. I'm probably the only person who trips up stairs and then slides down them.

I stay in that position in some kind of daydream. My mind moves to questions that I don't particularly want to think about, but I do anyways. I just start to think about something which includes the inevitability of death when I hear the door bell ring.

I stumble into a standing position and move to open the door. I quickly run a hand through my hair, thinking about what I state I must be in as I haven't showered. I open the door and as soon as I set eyes on who is standing there, I want to run away.

Dan Howell is stood standing at my door while I'm still in my pj's. Shit.

A/N. Eyyy, a kind of cliffhanger. I apologise at the awfully long time it took to get this chapter up. Like omg, I'm so sorry. I had family visiting from Manchester and Derby so it was a busy week getting ready for them coming. I mean they left on Sunday so I don't have an excuse as to why the chapter wasn't up on Monday or yesterday, so sorry again :/ Anywho, it's here (a bit on the short side, but shh) and feel free to tell me what you thought in the comments down below. Byeee :]


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