Chapter 8- Wishes that can't come true.

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Is it possible to die from embarrassment? If it is, then it could happen any second to me. Knocking over something in shop is literally like wearing a sign on your head saying ''Look at me, I'm clumsy!'' I might as well be wearing that sign right now. I mean Forbidden Planet isn't especially busy but the few people who are in the shop are all looking at me, including the people who work here. I just want to curl up in a ball and go hide somewhere, some place where no one is staring at me, preferably my room with my laptop.

I drop to the floor and start scrambling after some of the magazines trying to gather them together. I put a few in a pile and just as I'm about to grab the rack it's self, it's pulled up and in a standing position. I look up to see Dan grinning at me. ''Need a bit of help there?'' he asks. I nod biting my lip. He joins me on the floor and we finish gathering up the rest of the magazines. We slot them back into the rack and I step past it cautiously. I reach down to grab the adventure time hoodie which I dropped while humiliating myself.

I run a hand through my now wild hair and let out a deep breath. The sooner I'm out of this shop the better. I cast a glance towards Dan who is picking up a magazine that we missed. He must think I'm such an idiot. He straightens up faces me. ''I'm gunna, um, pay for this now,'' I say holding up the hoodie.

''Alright,'' he responds. I head towards the desk to pay and I drop the hoodie onto it. I tap my fingers on the desk but stop quickly when the employee give me a nasty look. I shove my hands into my pockets self consciously and wait while the hoodie is scanned. He tells me the price with a uninterested voice and I grab my purse and find the right amount of money. I slid it across the counter where it's snatched up. I quickly pull back my hand and he passes me a bag. Taking it, I move away and mutter a thanks..

I join Dan who's waiting by the door. He pushes the door open for me and I hurry out onto the path. My hands grip the bag handle and my breathing speeds up slightly. Dan steps out next to me and the door bangs shut. He watches me for a few seconds and a look flashes across his face but I can't work out what it is. ''Are you alright?'' He asks quietly.

''Oh, er, yeah.'' I fiddle around with the handles of the bag.

''If you're worried about what those people think back in the shop, don't, stuff like that happens to me all the time.''

''I know,'' I whisper. Confusion clouds his eyes for a few seconds then it's gone.

''Oh.'' I give him a bashful smile.

''It's weird that I know a lot about you whereas you hardly know anything about me,'' I say, shrugging my shoulders ever so slightly. He doesn't say anything back so I stare at me feet, chewing my lip. ''I kind of wish I didn't know so much about you.''

''Oh,'' he repeats. My eyes flicker up to him and I meet his deep brown eyes. ''Am I intimidating?'' he says unexpectedly.

''You're about as intimidating as a pink butterfly stuck on a marshmallow,'' the words slip out of my mouth before I realise and I clamp both of my hands over my mouth. Recognition flickers across Dan's face.

''Did I-'' I cut him off as I nod quickly. He does something I don't expect him to, he starts laughing. I drop my hands from my mouth and wrinkle my nose. He laughs for another few seconds before straightening up and looking at me again.

''I'm sorry-'' I begin but Dan stops.

''Don't apologise,'' he says quickly. He takes a step towards me and pulls me into a hug. I freeze for a second before I relax and hug him back. My chin rests just on his shoulder and I make sure I don't catch his neck. ''You don't have to worry about what other people think, Faith.'' His breath tickles my ear, causing me to shiver slightly. I don't say anything back, I just stay still and my eyes burn with what might be tears. I blink quickly, trying to keep them back. I'm not used to people telling me things like that and I get emotional.

I pull back first and Dan reluctantly lets go. ''I should probably get back to my flat, Laura will probably be wondering where I am,'' I mutter, not wanting to go. He nods at me.

''I'll walk you back.''

''Okay,'' I respond.


When I arrive back at the flat, Dan hugs me again, but he lets go quicker. I say goodbye and watch him go down the hall to the steps. Once he's disappeared from sight I go into the flat and kick my shoes off at the door. ''Laura?'' I call out.

''I'm in the kitchen!'' I hear her muffled voice. I walk to the kitchen and quietly open the door. She smiles up at me. ''Have fun?'' she asks as I lean my body against the counter. I put the Forbidden Planet bag next to me and then face Laur.

''Yeah,'' I say simply.

''Just yeah?''

''Yeah,'' I say again.

''You just spent a day with Dan who you always go on about and all you can say is 'yeah'?'' she asks. She squints at me through her eyes and I can see her trying to figure out what's wrong. I shrug at her.

''I'm going to go upstairs,'' I say and hurry out of the kitchen. I scramble up the stairs and then flop on to my bed. I bury my face in to my pillow trying to block out my thoughts. I just need a minute to not think. What Dan said about not worrying about what other people think, no one has really ever assured me that I don't have to worry. I certainly didn't think it would be Dan, probably because I never thought I would meet him, never mind spend actual time with him. When you're watching his videos, you don't really see this soft side of him, but it's there, and it showed when we came out of the shop.

I won't deny that I have a crush on Dan, but most Danosaurs have a crush on him. I just have to hide that I do, because I don't want to scare him away. I want to be his friend. I would be privileged to be his friend.

What I said about wishing that I didn't already know a lot about Dan is true, I wish it didn't have to be awkward when he mentions stuff and I already know about it. I want to hear those stories coming from him in person, without already having heard them in his videos. But also, if I hadn't found Dan and Phil on YouTube, then they wouldn't have turned up at my birthday and today wouldn't have happened. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore.

A/N. This took me awhile to finish, sorry :3 I was struggling to write the ending and idek why. Anyways, I did it. Hoped you enjoyed and all that stuff. If you want, tell me what you thought in the comments down below! Byeee!


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