Chapter 3- Train trips.

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By the time Laura is home I've packed away all the shopping and I'm onto my fourth cup of tea, sat in my place on the sofa. She comes into the front room, shakes her head but smiles and then walks out again. I grin at my laptop screen and carry on scrolling through tumblr.

I hear Laura boiling the kettle in the kitchen. Unlike me, she has a coffee addiction; I'm more of a tea girl. She opens some cupboards and then comes back through to the front room. I smile, still looking at my laptop. She sits down in the armchair opposite me and switches on the TV.

I look up from my laptop and ask, ''good day at work?''

''It wasn't too bad.'' She smiles at me and then turns back to the TV. We sit in silence for about 20 minutes until Laura stands up. ''What do you want for dinner?'' I slide my laptop onto the sofa next to me and stand up as well.

''I'll have a look,'' I answer. I walk into the kitchen and have a look around for something to make. Laura follows behind me and stands against the counter, waiting for me. I pull a tortilla kit out of the cupboard and hold it up for Laur to see. She nods and turns to the fridge, pulling out different vegetables and chicken. We work together singing along to the songs on the radio which I turned on.

We make jokes as we're cooking and laugh at each other. We may seem totally different, but Laura and I get on really well and have the same sense of humor. Once we've made the food we head into the front room and switch on a movie and settle down to eat our food.

We watch some more movies and by the time the last movie we're watching finishes, it's already 11. My head turns towards the window and I see the darkness outside, which I hadn't noticed. I stand up and lift my arms in the air as I stretch. Laura does the same and then starts collecting up all of the glasses and plates we used.

She heads into the kitchen carrying the plates and I switch the TV off. I quickly close the curtains and then go to find Laur in the kitchen. She's loading up the dish washer so I tidy the benches, putting stuff away in the cupboards. When we've both finished Laura stands to look at me. ''Night then,'' she says and smiles.

''Night, sleep well. Don't forget I'm going back to Newcastle tomorrow for the day.'' As I say this I pull a slight face because I have to get up early. She nods slightly, waves her fingers and leaves the kitchen. I listen for her going up the stairs as I rest against the counter. I run a hand through my hair and wonder if Laura just isn't mentioning it or she's actually forgotten my birthday. I mean I don't mind, she's always known I hate making a fuss of it but she's never forgotten. I shrug to myself, turn off the light and head up to my room. Sadly I actually have to go to sleep early as I have to be up super early to catch my train. Luckily I'm only going for the day so I don't have to pack to stay over night. It's not that I don't like going to see my family, it's more the fact that I hate packing.

I sigh and start to get ready for bed. I get changed into the vest and joggers that I wear for bed. I walk to the bathroom and whack my shoulder off my door as I walk out of it. I sigh again, rubbing my shoulder and carry on with my trip to the bathroom. I go to the mirror, brush my hair and take off the little make up I had on. Even though I don't wear much, I have to take it off otherwise my eyes feel really weird and they get irritated. I finish doing that and then walk, I mean stumble, back to my room.

I climb into bed while taking my glasses off. I place them onto my side table and switch the lamp on. I get comfy and slowly fall asleep.


I wake up to my phone blasting out 'Good Morning Sunshine'. I sit up quickly and move to pick my phone up. Apparently I moved far too quickly so I end up tumbling out of bed, taking my phone and duvet with me. I face palm slightly and turn my phone off. I get to my feet slowly and pick up my duvet to through back onto my bed.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now