Chapter 1- Late nights and tea.

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My eyes flicker down to the time on my laptop. 3 am blares out at me brightly. Sleeping would probably be a good idea. But I wasn't sure I was able to when the worlf of youtube was ready one click away. However, a cup of tea did sound really tempting. Sitting further up in bed, I tip the laptop off my knee and fling my covers back. I stand up, take a step and immediately collide with my desk chair. A yelp escapes me before I clamp my hand around my mouth. I repeatedly whisper curse words as I examine my poor knee. 

I was desperately trying not to wake my flatmate Laura up. She hated it when I went on very early trips around the shared flat. It was no wonder Laura got easily annoyed, I was prone to tripping over anything and everything. 

Quickly flicking my hair back and I slide my glasses up my nose.Before exiting my room, I hit the light switch, illuminating the room so I didn't have to struggle with it on my return. 

I make my way down the stairs in the two bedroomed apartment. The lower floor held the kitchen, living room and utility room thing. Upstairs was the two bedrooms, a bathroom and a walk in closet in the hallway which we used for storage. Reaching the bottom in one piece in the darkness seemed quite an achievment. Except for that one minor stumblr in the middle but we'll forget about that. Remembering to shut the door to minimise the sound travelling through the flat, I gradually assemble my cup of tea, cursing the fact I had bare feet against the chilled tile floor.

My 5'6"height played to my advantage when rummaging around in the cupboards. Not that my search was successful as I left with only a scalding cup of sweet tea. 

A voice disrupts my thoughts just as I'm about to ascend the stairs. A jolt runs through my body and my cup nearly goes flying. "Shit," I grumble to myself, steadying my cup before making eye contact with my flat mate. "By the angel, Laur, is there any need to scare the living daylights out of me like that?"

"Why are you even up so late?" she says in an exasperated tone, her voice slightly croaky with sleep. 

"Well, technically it's 3am, so why am I up so early, is what you mean, right?" I scratch at my ear, a crooked grin directed towards Laura. She only shakes her head at me and I assume there's a sigh there as well. Laura sighs at me a lot. 

"Try and sleep, Faith. Goodnight." A quick grin and she has returned to her room, blonde hair swinging. I mutter under my breath at the use of my full name. Only my parents use it. It just didn't suit me. If anything, you would expect Laura to have that name. She was a bright bubbly person, wavy blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Nothing like me. 

Mousy brown hair lay at just below my shoulders, my eyes were grey and my personality meek and hidden away. My glasses made me seem like a hipster, which I shuddered at, I was a nerd through and through. 

Scowling, I gripped my tea and made my way back to the comfort pf my room, taking each step with care. Managing to dodge stray clothes, shoes and other bits and bobs, I safely place my tea down and bury myself in the plush duvet on my bed. 

Youtube consumes my thoughts once again and I play through some videos whilst sipping my drink. I felt at peace with this whole platform of videos from my favourite people. It's coming up to 4 am before my laptop is shut down and stowed away for use when I was awake. 


My dreams are disrupted by shouts of my name coming from a way too energetic Laura at what I assume is a much too early time in the morning. 

Thr shouting stops only to be replaced with light footsteps coming up the stairs. I groan inwardly when the knocking on my door starts. "Go away!" I shout, muffled by my pillow.

"Fai! Just wake up for 5 bloody minutes will you?" she yells back through the door. I decided to stir myself but sharply realise how tangled in my duvet I am when I land heavily on the floor with a thump. I pinch my nose before standing up and find Laura stood waiting impatiently behind my door. 

Settling my glasses on my face, Laura forms a look of shock on her face at my appearance. "Oh my goodness, we are actually witnessing a wild Faith out side of her habitat: The bedroom!" I scowl at her.

"What is it Laur?" I ask, a yawn taking over my last word. My accent comes through heavily. I moved from Newcastle nearly two years ago to London. Laura moved 5 or so years ago with her parents. 

"I'm going to work but I needed to remind you that you have to do the shopping today. The usual shopping list is attached to the fridge and whatever else you need." I nod along with her words and flash a small smile at the end. She runs a hand over her hair which is a combination of plaits and a ponytail. Her eyes are rimmed with makeup and she's clothed in her usual work wear. "I'll be back at the normal time. Bye Fai." Laura backs away to the stairs. 

"Catch you later Laur!" I call after her which she responds with a slight wiggle of her fingers. I hear the door slam and I flop back on my bed. 8:27 am shines out from the alarm clock on my messy bed side table. I have no time to think about the conversation I just had before I'm fast asleep again. 

A/N. Alrighty, um, did you like it? I hope you did :3 Tell me what you think in the comments, I appreciate any comments! Thanks for reading <3

*Edit over a year later this book has like 6k reads and ohmygosh thank you all sm!! Also I can't stop playing pokemon go, rip me.*


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