Chapter 6- Toasties with a side of sarcasm.

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I feel my eyes widen as the shock sets in. Yes, Dan Howell is stood at my door, while I look like... I can't begin to describe what I look like in the morning. Let's just say, at the best, I look like a hedgehog that's been ran over. Yep. I realise Dan is probably waiting for me to say something. ''Um, hey,'' my words come out in what almost seems a whisper.

''Hey,'' he flashes his grin at me and I have to try so hard not to fangirl. It takes a lot of effort to contain that, I can tell you now. ''I know this is unexpected,'' he pulls a sort of sheepish expression. ''But, I was wondering if you want to get lunch or coffee, or something,'' he rushes the last sentence. He has a nervous tone in his voice, which strikes me as surprising. ''I mean, I know we only met yesterday but I thought...'' he trails off mid sentence, his eyes lowering to the ground. ''It's okay if you don't want to,'' he mumbles running a hand through his hair.

I bite my lip, trying to take in the current situation. ''I'd love to! Just...'' I end the sentence by gesturing to what I'm dressed in.

''Right, of course,'' he looks a bit embarrassed.

''If you wanna, um, wait, I won't take long to get ready,'' I say quickly. He nods in response and I gesture for him to come in. I open the door to the front room and he follows me. ''Have a seat, do you, um, want anything to drink?'' I try to keep my voice steady, trying to disguise the fact that I'm extremely nervous and excited at the same time.

''No, thank you,'' he messes with his hair again. I pick up the remote for the TV and set it on the arm of the chair that he's sat on.

''I'll try and be quick,'' I say walking out of the room. I practically run up the stairs and knock on Laura's door.

''Come in,'' I hear her muffled voice from the other side. I swiftly open the door and step inside.

''Laura, Dan Howell is sat in our front room,'' I state. She looks at me with a confused expression so I continue, ''He asked me if I wanted to go for coffee or lunch or something and I need to get ready quickly. Will you please go downstairs and speak to him or something?'' By the time I've finished talking, I'm nearly out of breath. She stands up and moves towards the door.

''Okay, go, get ready.'' She reaches behind me and pulls the door open then continues to give me a little shove out of the door. She steps out with me and pulls the door closed. I rush to my room and close the door.

I go to my wardrobe and start pulling clothes out. I have no idea what to wear. Okay, don't panic. I chose a grey top, my blue skinny jeans and a black hoodie.

I quickly dress and then rush to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and immediately face palm. I drag a brush through my hair in some attempt to make it look okay. I then move onto my makeup. I apply eyeliner and mascara. I pause for a second. I'm never usually like this. I mean, I don't get panicked by this kind of stuff normally. Not that I've actually dated many people. Probably 3 at the most... Okay 2.

I push my make up back into my make up bag and leave the bathroom. I make one last trip to my room to grab my shoes and then I go downstairs. I edge my way into the front room, where Laura and Dan are talking.

They both look up at me as I walk in. I keep my eyes lowered to the ground, uncomfortable with them both looking at me. Sometimes, when people watch me, it brings back memories of social anxiety that I suffered from until the age of 20. Let me tell you, it wasn't fun.

I raise my eyes and see that Dan is still watching me. He realises that I'm looking at him and he quickly diverts his eyes. I wrinkle my nose, confused.

I perch on the edge of the arm chair and slip my shoes on to my feet and then stand back up again. As I stand up, so do Dan and Laura. I forget how tall Dan is and it's quite comical when Laura is standing next to him as she's smaller than me and 5'4. She's always been small and I used to make fun of her, not in a horrible way of course.

Nerds Unite - Danisnotonfire Fanfic *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now