Chapter 2- Annoying reminders and shopping trips.

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 This time I'm woken up by my phone ring. ''Can a person not sleep?'' I say into my pillow. I lift my head up and look around for glasses again. When I locate them I put them on, stabbing myself in the eye as I do. I pick up my phone and answer it. ''Hello,'' I mumble into it.

''Hi Faith.'' Laura says brightly in to the phone.

''Yes Laur?'' I sigh.

''I called to see if you were up,'' she says.

''Well I am now,'' I respond grumpily.


''Is that all?'' I ask in the same tone.

''Yep,'' she answers

''Okay, bye now Laur.'' I hang up the phone quickly. Laur was the responsible one in our friendship. She always had been. It's always been a bit of a weird friendship. With Laur being sensible, very tidy and all of the stuff that I'm not. There's not anything in particular that we have in common, but we've always been bestfriends. Laura is 23 and I'm 22, it probably isn't surprising that she's older than me.

I look at the time on my phone and sigh. 12 is still pretty early for me but I have to go do that shopping before it is too late. I hop down off my bed and make my way to the bathroom. I go in, turn the shower on so it can heat up and select a song on my phone. I choose 'Go the distance' by Emma Blackery. I step into the shower and sing along loudly. It's not like my neighbours can hear me... I don't think so anyways. I swing my soaking wet hair in time to the music. When the song ends, 'The fault in our stars' comes on by Troye Sivan. I find a grin on my face. I sing along to it extra loudly.

I rub my hands over my face rinsing away the words of the song. I finish getting washed and when I'm done I shuffle out and wrap myself in a towel quickly. I hurry to my room and drag on some clothes. I plug in my hair dryer and dry my hair as much as I can be bothered too. I decide to leave my hair natural because it's perfectly fine. I then walk to the bathroom again and just before I get to it, I fall over a book in the middle of the floor. I bang my knee on the wall with a groan. ''Why the fuck is there a book right here and how did I not already notice it?'' I some how manage to get up off the floor and then I pick the book up.

I walk into the bathroom, drop the book onto one of the shelves and move to the sink. I grab my make up bag and put on some mascara and eyeliner, just the usual. Once I've done that I quickly tidy the bathroom because if I don't Laura will have a go at me.

I finally head downstairs and I round up my phone, purse, shopping list and put them into my side bag which is full of random other stuff. I grab my keys and go out of the door, locking it behind me. I have to slam the door closed otherwise it doesn't close properly. I walk towards the lift and see that it's out of order. I sigh and head to the stairs.

By the time I'm at the bottom of the stairs I'm out of breath. For some reason our flat had to be on like one of the highest floors. I groan at the thought of going back up the stairs with all the bags. I manage to catch my breath and I walk to the shop. Luckily there is a tesco only a few streets away.

I pull my phone out of my bag and go onto the twitter app. I scroll through but there's nothing special so I lock my phone and shove it into my pocket. I carry on with the walk to the shop, my mind wandering to random stuff like it normally does.

I'm sharply brought out of my daydream when my shoulder clashes with someone elses, I jump back out of the way, quickly apologising but they just glare at me. Nothing new there. I sigh and hurry the rest of the rest of the way to the shop.

I finally arrive at the shop and I wizz around finding all the stuff that's on the shopping list. I also add a few things including skittles. Can't risk running low. Being the big child that I am, I lift myself on the trolly as I'm going down the different isles. Never gets old, seriously.

I finish the shopping eventually and lug the 10 or so bags back to the flat. I mean I could have caught a taxi but that means waiting for one and honestly, I don't have the patience. When I arrive back at the flat block I look longingly at the lift as I start my trek up the stairs. I have to stop several times because if I didn't my hands probably would've fallen off. Not exaggerating at all.

I get to my flat door and I have to balance all the bags on one hand so I can get my keys then force the door open. I fall through the door, kick it shut and stagger to the kitchen where I dump the bags. I lean against the counter and flick the kettle on.

I start unpacking the bags as the kettle boils; mechanically putting all the stuff away, already tired just off my short trek to the shop. Yep, I'm totally fit. I have about 3 bags unpacked by the time the kettle finishes boiling so I make a cup of tea and grab a bag of skittles. I head into the front room and place my tea and skittles down and then hurry to go grab my laptop from upstairs.

Once I've got it and I'm settled down onto the sofa with my tea, I click onto twitter and I see 1 or 2 birthday messages already. I sigh at the reminder of my birthday tomorrow. Honestly, I've never liked birthdays even when I was younger I didn't. I hated that everyone, I say everyone I mean my family, made a big fuss about them when I couldn't careless. Just another year closer to my death. Existential  crisis much.

A/N. Alrighty! End of this chapter. I guess this chapter was just for you to get to know Fai just that bit better. Hope you enjoyed anyways and tell me what you think down below! :3 Thanks for reading and all that shiz! I also attached 'The Fault In Our Stars' song on the side but here's a link just in case:


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