Chapter 19

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Ziggy was so out if it that they gave her a break from training. She had gone to her room but then she felt a pain in her head and then a voice said "Mehira can you hear me? It's your father, you need to save me from this evil. Only the heart of fire can save me". After the pain was gone.

She told this to the others and Chip 'heard' it. While that was happened he told this to the others and they thought it was crazy but Summer said "If that is the only way so be it". But Scott said "Yeah but how she's the one with fire and she's training to use her powers, we should have been there for her instead of being jerks to her". Gem and Gemma and they each said "Speak for" "Yourselves".

Meanwhile back Briarwood, Mehira was sitting on a log when she heard a voice say "Hello little princess". The moment she turned her head instead of seeing an enemy she saw someone she loved deeply. Mehira said "Hello daddy, I miss you and want you to come home. I love you". After hearing those words Nick or as the people of Briarwood calls him Bowen was freed and they hugged, and Nick said "Hello my min Maddie". When they let go of the hug then went back to Rootcore and they were all happy to see Nick once again.

Chip 'saw' that Nick was freed and boy was he happy for that. After that he told the team about it. At Rootcore, Dillon and Nick met once again but this time Nick made sure that Dillon knew who's kid he was dealing with. Dillon said "Do not worry sir, I promise you that Ziggy is safe with me I am like the male version of your oldest daughter Brodie". When that was settled, Daggeron and Xander explained what was going on and the training resumed but Mehira was getting better and better in her magic and just in time too. The others needed her as Rpm Green and Dillon as ranger black. They went back to the city and they introduced Nick to the team but he glared at the team but not Gem and Gemma.

Summer and the guys knew that they had to be careful with how they treat Ziggy or they get it bad with her dad, they saw how much he cared for the curly haired girl. Daggeron explained that since Mehira reminded him of Madison that he use to call her his min Maddie. They were so shocked that he would call her that.

Next Chapter: Ziggy and Brodie will be getting an other surprise and only Nick knows what it is.

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