Chapter 2

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Ziggy walked out of his room with a yawn. He had training with Dillon or Scott today. He didn't know why but Ziggy felt like he had a bond with Dillon who seemed to be his only friend since coming back to Corinth. Summer was warming up to him but Flynn and Scott wanted nothing to do with him. Gem and Gemma were to busy with Dr. K.

Ziggy missed his family if they were still alive. Ziggy could sense that his sister was still out in the waste as she chose to remain outside of the dome. The Green Ranger wanted nothing more than to see his family again but he couldn't leave the City defenseless. His father and grandparents taught him that you should always do what was right even if he didn't want to do that.

"Ziggy, you are needed in the training room." Scott's voice was heard over the comm in the morphers.

"On my way." The green ranger replied as he headed down to the training room.

"Ranger Green, I would like for you and Scott to practice your hand to hand skills." Dr. K's voice was heard from the loudspeakers.

It made Ziggy so mad that he was the only one that wasn't called by his real name while the others were called by their given names, but Ziggy had let it go after a while.

Ziggy entered the training room only to have to duck as Scott threw a fist at him. Ziggy knew that Scott was training him to expect any attack at any time. But what the leader of the Rangers didn't know was that Ziggy was already trained to defend himself.

Scott continued to attack Ziggy who played on his the fact that he couldn't fight. Ziggy did his best to fake blocking Scott's attacks as the curly-haired ranger wanted so badly to take the Red Ranger out with a punch to the face but there would be no honor in that attack.

Scott swept Ziggy's feet out from underneath him and placed his fist in Ziggy's chest.

"You are improving Ranger Green. You lasted the longest that you have ever lasted." Dr. K told Ziggy as she watched the two Rangers train.

Ziggy gave the Dr. a smile before he went over to the kitchen to get something to eat. He was starving.

"Summer told me about last night when you should have been sleeping," Scott said as he looked at the youngest ranger on his team.

"Scott, I went to bed shortly after Summer came up to the roof. I couldn't sleep. Plus not that it is any of your business but I was thinking of my family as, unlike you Scott I don't have anyone of my family in the Dome. I was the only one of my family to make it to the Dome and before you think of me as a member of the Cartels always know there is more to me than meets the eye." Ziggy told the leader of the Rangers before he left the room.

Scott watched the Green Ranger leave the room with a sad look on his face. The former pilot never thought that Ziggy was alone. Scott thought that at least another member of Ziggy's family had made it to Corinth but he was wrong. Ziggy was alone and wanted by the Cartels.

Unknown to Ziggy, another member of his family would soon be arriving at the Dome city of Corinth with a group of survivors from a small town called Briarwood.

Two days passed since Ziggy had told Scott that he didn't have any family in the city and Scott had felt like an idiot. Ziggy had put a lot of effort into training lately. The leader of the Rangers always thought that Ziggy had family in Corinth but he was wrong. Scott was glad that he still had his dad even if his father didn't pay much attention to him.

"Rangers, please report to the main meeting room." Dr. K's voice was heard throughout the base.

Less than 5 minutes later, the 7 Rangers were waiting for their mentor to say something.

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