Chapter 7

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Flynn watched in amazement from one of the screens at how well Ziggy was Training with the Yellow Mystic Ranger. She was able to hold her ground. The Scot was seeing a new person. Flynn still couldn't believe that Ziggy was a girl but now that Ziggy had revealed her secret, The Scot could see little signs of feminism in the Green Ranger. Not a lot but little bits here and there. Ziggy would be helping Dr. K. with some things that girls were known to do like put on makeup or have a normal conversation.

It still confused Flynn as to how Ziggy and Dr. K were getting along with each other but The Scot figured it ad to do with both of their pasts. Both had never known their mother or had no memory of their mother. That may have been the connection that both needed to bond.

Flynn was wondering how Ziggy was able to put up with all the degrading that he and the others had done to her when the shapeshifter could have easily kicked their hind ends in a heartbeat. But Flynn remembers something his father had told him long ago. It was something about true strength comes from being able to stand up to the insults and not fight back. Ziggy had done just that. When the entire team at the time Ziggy became a ranger save for Dillon had turned against her, Ziggy had stood tall.

Flynn had treated Ziggy like his father had treated him sometimes when he wanted to be a hero. Flynn had hated the words that his father had said but he had done the same thing to Ziggy when she had only done what was needed to protect Corinth.

Flynn was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Ziggy with a smile on her face. It was like she knew what he was thinking about.

"I let what you guys say go in one ear and out the other," Ziggy replied with her smile.

"Look Ziggy, I know that it's a little late for me to say this but I am sorry for what I said to you when you became a ranger and how I treated you. I treated you the same way my father did sometimes and I hated it with a passion. It took me going out into the waste for some people that had been left behind during the Battle for Corinth for him to tell me that he was proud of me." Flynn told his teammate who just smiled.

"Flynn, I met your dad a few weeks ago. He was proud of you no matter what ya did. It was just you needed to do something worth saying those words. I can tell that you and your father have a great relationship, after all, he taught you everything that you know about mechanics which has helped us out many times." Ziggy told the Be Ranger.

Flynn smiled at his teammate who had such a big heart to be able to forgive him for everything. She understood the bond he had with his father.

"So what was it like growing up in a magical world?" Flynn asked as he was curious about his teammate' life. After all, she was a princess and had some form of magic in her blood.

"Not what you may have thought. I may have been a princess but I was never treated like I was royalty neither was my sister nor my father. During the planting and harvesting season everyone would help out with the planting and seeding and when it was time to harvest everyone would help even my grandparents. My father's side of the family may be of royal descent but that didn't mean that we were any different than anyone else. I studied in my spare time as many forms of Martial Arts there were out there and ran into other former Rangers who taught me a lot of things. One of the many things that I was taught was how to tell if someone spoke from the heart by Cole Evens who was the Red Wild Force Ranger. Cole had been raised in the Amazon rain forest by an Amazon tribe since he was a baby and when he was our age left to find who he was and since he was a child was able to sense the good or bad in everyone by what was in their heart. He taught that skill to me. That was how I knew when you guys were telling the truth about the things you said to me. But think of it this way Flynn, before you found out who I was I wasn't Ranger material so your words were true. But now I can tell that you guys are telling the truth about being sorry for the way you treated me." Ziggy told the Blue Ranger.

Flynn looked at the shapeshifting Green Ranger. She had known when they had been telling the truth or lying about their feelings about her when she had first become the Green Ranger. Flynn knew that he was such a jerk to Ziggy.

"Hey, you can't help what happened but you did try to befriend me before you found out that I could fight. Believe me when I say that I had a hard time being a Ranger as like I said I never wanted to a Ranger but sometimes you can't help it. Like I told Scott a few days ago, I did what I had to do to protect Corinth and you know what I would do it again in a heartbeat." Ziggy told Flynn with another one of her smiles before she walked off to the Training Room to start training with The Doc.

Flynn let a smile come to his face. Despite everything that she had been through, Ziggy still had a positive way of thinking and life. Flynn made a promise never to say or do anything mean to Ziggy but he would ask what she looked like in her real form which he hoped that someday that he would be able to see.

Flynn thought that if Ziggy looked anything like her sister than Daggeron would have his hands full keeping boys away from her as Brodie was very pretty. Flynn made a silent promise that he when the Venjix was defeated and the virus would be defeated and Ziggy would be able to go back to her female form that he would always be Ziggy's friend no matter what she looked like. Flynn had a feeling that he would be protecting Ziggy when she was back in her female form. Ziggy had given up so much to protect what was left of the human race including her original form.

Another thing that Flynn understood that Ziggy had given up was her father. She would never be able to see her father again as he had died defending the humans as they made the trek to Corinth. The Scot also thought about that Ziggy was never meant to be in Corinth as she was on her way back to Briarwood when the shields went up and when she tried to head back she ran into Dillon and brought his back to the City.

Flynn thought what Ziggy had said about him having his father with him. He was so lucky that his father made it to Corinth. The only blood family Ziggy had was her sister who was working with Coronal Truman on upping the defense and the Shield from Magic Attacks as Brodie said she had a feeling that Venjix would join forces with whoever was left from the Master's dark reign.

Flynn knew that Xander, Chip, and Daggeron were family to the Magical Twins but there was nothing like having your own family with you. Flynn had seen just how many families meant to Ziggy as she thought of the Rangers as her family even though she was treated like crap, she still thought of them and saw them as family.

Ziggy for some reason made Flynn think that when he had time to go visit his father who was everything to him. Flynn was fighting for his father who had been there for him no matter what he did even when Flynn wanted to be a hero and his father had said some unkind words but Flynn knew that his father loved him no matter what he did. Ziggy had the same type of father who was proud of her no matter what she did.

Flynn also made a silent promise to himself that he would start treating Ziggy with more respect as she did deserve it. She was the best ranger that they had.

Next Chapter: Summer and Ziggy train and Summer realizes what she thought of Ziggy was way off and that Ziggy is more of a princess than she could ever be.

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