Chapter 8

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Summer couldn't believe what she had just seen. Ziggy, the one person who she thought couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag back when everyone thought he was she was he had just without any help taken down a dozen Grinders. The Yellow Ranger was shell shocked at what she had just seen.

Summer like Scott and Flynn had degraded Ziggy for his at the time lack of fighting skills but now that she knew the truth, the Yellow Ranger felt like she had become the Summer Landsdown she was before Venjix had an attack where she treated everyone saves for loyal Andrews like crap.

Summer always thought of her self as a princess and got what she wanted but Ziggy was really a Princess and she didn't let the title change who she was. Ziggy was kind and compassionate. Ziggy cared about everyone and didn't let anything get her down.

Ziggy being the Princess that she was didn't let the title get in the way of who she was. Ziggy always made time to visit the Mystic Briarwoodians that was in Corinth and spend time with them much like her sister Brodie who before Venjix attack was heir to the magical side of Briarwood's throne. The two sisters didn't let a title get in the way of their bond which Summer could tell was closer than ever since the year they had spent apart.

Thinking of the bond that Ziggy and Brodie had reminded Summer of the bond she thought she had with the one person she thought of as a sister who in turned to betray her and left her wandering in the wastelands during the evacuation to Corinth. Andrews, the ever-loyal butler had found her and taught her to look inside of herself and he was the reason Summer became who she was today.

Ziggy like Summer had everything that she could ever want but that was where the similarity ended. Ziggy used her title for good and helped people who needed while Summer just expected people to wait on her hand and foot.

"Not bad for someone you thought couldn't fight." Summer heard Brodie say as they got back to the Base. It would seem that not only were Ziggy and Brodie twins they also shared the twin physic twin bond as well. Meaning they could see and hear each other.

"Yeah, I just feel like an idiot and felt like I reverted back to who I used to be with what I said to your sister when she first became a Ranger. A spoiled rich princess who thought the world should worship me. In truth, Ziggy did what she had to do to protect the Morpher and what do I do? I insult her for protecting Corinth in the only way she could at the time without revealing who she really was." Summer told the older twin.

Brodie walked over to the fridge, opened it and grabbed a couple of waters, one for her and one for Summer. The dark-haired girl than walked over to where Summer was sitting and handed her one of the water bottles before sitting down.

"Summer, when I first came to Corinth, my first thought was after I found my sister was to give the ones who caused her distress which is something that makes her sick some times a yelling that they would never forget. But I could tell through our bond that was something that she didn't want to have happened. She told me to let it go and I really didn't want to do that but I did. As you can tell I am very protective of my younger sister even though she is only a minute younger than me. I knew that Mehira was growing up and I needed to let go of the protectiveness a little bit. I mean I realized that I was turning into Daggeron and our father in terms of being protective. And Let me tell you, Daggeron's protective streak is nothing like my father's. Dad, after my mom died was afraid to let us do anything but my grandmother who you know the story about the Great Battle and how she had to give up my father when he was a baby to protect him told my dad that he needed to let go of us to let us live and see the world. Dad did let us see the world after much debate yelling from my mom's twin sister Vida."

"What does this have to do with the way that I treated Ziggy?" Summer asked as she took a drink of water from the water bottle.

"Nothing. I was just getting to know you and I can tell that you do have a good heart which is something my sister and I value. I know about you from what Mehira told me and that you were the one that convinced Flynn and Scott to give Dillon a chance as being the Black RPM Ranger but he would only become Ranger Black if Ziggy was freed from Prison even though he had no idea who Ziggy was. That to me shows someone who is willing to change and grow up in a manner of speaking. Everyone that was under the age of 18 had to grow up fast as their world changed around them and were forced to live in a dome city. Even the Briarwoodians from both sides had their lives changes as Briarwood was a stop into getting to Corinth. Many of the humans were scared as they watched the Rangers leave to get the humans that came to Briarwood as a stop to rest before going on a convoy protected by a Ranger." Brodie told the Yellow RPM Ranger who just looked at her with a weird look on her face. Brodie let out a sigh. "The point is that I am trying to say is that life will always change but if you don't change with it then you never truly became who you are meant to be. Andrews loved you to the point that he came back for you and died for you. He is the reason you are the Yellow Ranger and went out to save Scott."

"How did you know that Andrews died for me?" Summer asked anger showing in her voice.

"I could see your memories in your mind as I can read memories which is something that I really hate some times. But I can tell that you cared for Andrews to the point that he was family. Which is who Daggeron is to my sister and me. Also, a family is not always blood but those that you love and care for. Ziggy told me when I was going to give you, Scott and Flynn and yelling that she thought of you like family which is something that is hard for her to do as it's hard for her to trust people based on many so-called friends only being her friends because she is or was a princess. So to be called her family is a great honor." Brodie told the young Female ranger.

"Ziggy really sees us as her family?" Summer asked. It was hard for the former rich girl to think that after everything that she had done to Ziggy that she still saw then as Family.


"I would never have thought of that."

"Ziggy has a big heart and is very caring. I mean she could have left Dillon in the waste but she chose to come back to Corinth and help him. Although I think that my little sister may like him as more than a friend if you get my drift." Brodie said with a grin about the last part.

Summer had to agree with Brodie about Ziggy liking Dillon as more than a friend. The two had a bond that was unbreakable and Summer saw the way Ziggy looked at Dillon now that her secret was out. Ziggy like Dillon but the question was did Dillon like Ziggy in that way. Summer knew that Dillon was protective of Ziggy no matter who she was as Ziggy was the first person that he had met when in the wastes and was the first person to give him a chance next to her.

While Summer did like Dillon, it was more of a crush than anything else. Summer knew that no matter what form Ziggy was in, Ziggy would always come first.

"So what do you say we get those two together?" Summer said with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

Brodie looked at the female Yellow Ranger and had a grin of her own. She trusted Dillon with her sister which was very rare when it came to boys as while Ziggy could take care of herself, she was also slightly naive when it came to many things. Sometimes boys were one of those things.

"When do we start?" Summer asked.

Next chapter: Dillon deals with his best friend being a girl in real life and also deals with his feelings for the Green RPM Ranger.

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