Chapter 16

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Ziggy for the first time in over a year and a half felt strange when she entered the place of her birth that she hadn't seen in so long. It was hard to explain for some reason but she knew that it was linked to the fact that she had been living in an environment that was fake and unknown to her was that in the last few months of living in Corinth that she was coming into her magical powers.

Chip had agreed to stay behind in Corinth since his element power was lighting and thunder and could easily for some reason be renewed. Chip would also be giving updates on what was happening in the city.

Brodie looked at her twin and knew that she was upset about leaving the city that she was protecting but also knew that her sister was doing the right thing by leaving to train her powers. Untrained powers could be deadly to bearer and to anyone around them.

"Come on, let's get to RootCore and get some sleep," Brodie told her sister who like her was about to fall asleep on her feet. The traveling from Corinth to Briarwood had taken its toll on everyone due to the time spent in the city and avoiding that damn virus's foot soldiers.

Ziggy nodded her head as she followed her sister to the giant tree that had been her home for so long. It was weird to see a place that had the real sun and real light as well as air that wasn't always being recycled and water as well.

You would have never thought that when you went into Briarwood that the Earth had become a wasteland or that the human race was just under 3 million and that was only in The domed city of Corinth. Briarwood had about 500,000 human residents but that was because the humans were either born or had the ancestry of a family member who was born in Briarwood as well as the magical side of Briarwood and those who were of mixed-raced being both human and magical.

Thanks to the magical barrier that The Royal Family had put up with their powers and blood, the pollution and radiation was filtered out but was not recycled in any way. The air was pure fresh air.

Ziggy looked at the dragon-shaped doorway that leads to the inner part of RootCore. She never would have thought that she would miss the hollowed-out tree but she did. A big part of her felt bad for those that lived in Corinth as well as the children that had been born in the city after the shields went up for they probably would never be able to see and feel the real sun on their bodies and experience just what that was like.

The RPM Green Ranger walked down the wooden stairs to the center of the base to reconnect with the place. Had it been only been a little over 2 years since she was in this room? It seemed like forever. Ziggy looked around the area as she recalled memories of her growing up with her family and hearing stories from her grandmother when she was little.

Ziggy could still see her family sitting around the table eating and talking while FireHeart was snorting in his nest at the top of RootCore. The smells were present as well. Smoke and fire as well as burning wood. For the first time, Ziggy realized just how much she missed home.

Brodie came into the main room to see her younger sister sitting on one of the steps with her knees up to her chest and crying. The older twin could see and feel just how much pain her younger twin was in but the pain was a mixture of healing pain and memory pain.


Ziggy looked up from her spot on the stairs to see her older sister looking at her with concern in her eyes. The RPM Ranger gave her sister a smile that was from the heart.

"I'm okay," Ziggy replied in a voice that was mixed with crying and hoarseness.

Brodie knew just by those 2 words that it was the truth and that her sister would be alright. As Brodie knew that Ziggy was readjusting to being connected with nature again after so long and it would take time as well but Ziggy would be okay and stronger than ever.

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