Chapter 12

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Dillon couldn't believe that the entire time that Ziggy was the girl that he was seeing in his memories other than his sister. That he was the boy that Ziggy had befriended when she was young.

Dillon was debating on telling Ziggy what he knew but decided not to as he felt that it wasn't important at the moment.

"Princess Mehira, are you sure that you want to bond with the Green RPM Morpher again since you are free?" Dr. K asked as she addressed the once male Green Ranger by what she thought was the right name.

"First off Doc. You can still call me Ziggy and if you want to call me by my real name PLEASE don't put the Princess in front of it. I hate that when people do that. I was never raised with people calling me princess or your highness. And second I will never leave a city alone to suffer when they need help. I told you before that it not the way I was raised to abandon those that need help." Ziggy told the young Doctor with a smile.

Summer smiled to herself at Ziggy's words. Everyone thought that Ziggy would be this pampered Princess but in fact, she and her sister were anything but pampered. Both had a temper that made you think twice about saying something to them but also the twins were loyal to each other and would die for each other. That was what a family was meant to be. Always there for each other.

"Very well. Ziggy, would you please follow me to my office so I can get you re-bonded with the Green Morpher." Dr. K told Ziggy as she too the route that leads to her office. The sooner that Ziggy re-bonded with the Green Morpher that better.

"Sure thing Doc," Ziggy replied as she followed the young doctor to the training room unaware of the two teams of rangers looking at her. Her sister followed her as well.

"Boy, is she beautiful." Flynn pointed out only to get a glare from Daggeron. "Not going to do anything that is going through your mind. I am not raised that type of man. I was merely saying that she looks very beautiful and would give her father a headache if she started dating." Flynn told the glaring Solaris Knight.

"That much was true when she was in her teens. The same went for Brodie but neither one had shown any interested in boys unless it was beating boys up because they thought that they could get away with being jerks." Xander told the group as he remembered a time when the twins had been invited to a royal ball only to almost have a fight when one of the King's sons had gotten a little bit to close to Mehira which resulted in the prince being sent to the med bay and a major scolding by Nick who told them later that he was proud of what they had done.

"Those two have a deep bond. Deeper than I had with my late brother." Scott said as watched Ziggy and Brodie leave the room. Flynn was right about Ziggy being very pretty in her true form. Seeing Ziggy with her sister brought back memories of when he and his brother were kids. Scott could remember him and Marcus being almost inseparable even with their father's somewhat controlling nature which Scott knew was out of love. Marcus was always there for him no matter what happened. Marcus was the reason Scott was alive today is that he was the one that had taken the hit meant for him during the Battle for Corinth.

"So Dillon, what do you think of Ziggy?" Summer asked the cyborg as she knew from the first time Dillon was chosen to be the Black Ranger he was loyal to Ziggy.

Dillon couldn't say anything as his mind was so confused with what was going on.

"So it looks like that Dillon's likes the way Ziggy looks now." Flynn pointed out only to get smacked upside the head by Xander and Scott.

"I will admit that she is very pretty," Dillon said as soon as he got his mind to work. He would talk to Ziggy about what he knew when the time was right.

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