Chapter 15

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Ziggy woke up with a start to find herself looking into the face of her sister and Dillon who both had worried looks on her face.

"What the heck happened?" Ziggy asked as she sat up only to regret doing that as she felt the need to throw up.

"You passed out on us just after the battle with Korrag," Brodie told her sister as she handed her sister a small trash bin where Ziggy once she took where she lost her lunch.


"Korrag attacked the city and other than some buildings nobody was hurt," Brodie replied as she checked her sister's temperature.

Ziggy's mind went into overdrive at what her sister had just told her. Korrag had attacked The Dome City but it was different than what she had remembered.

"What day is it?" Ziggy asked as she laid her head back on the pillow with a wet cloth on her forehead.

Brodie said the date which startled Ziggy. It was two weeks before she had come into her powers. She was in the past or maybe she had never traveled at all but had just like her sister had said passed out and everything that she saw was a dream. A dream that had helped her in so many ways.

"Hey, Ziggy, you okay?" Dillon asked as he saw the dazed look that his friend had on her face.

"Yeah. Just thinking of something that I need to talk to my sister about." Ziggy replied as Dillon got the message and got up and left the room making sure to close the door behind him.

Brodie looked at her younger twin sister who had a look on her face that she had never seen before. Something was going on.

Ziggy took a deep breath and told her sister what she needed to know minus the fight she had with Brodie and meeting Korrag. The Green RPM Ranger had a feeling that she was going to need some headache medicine for an actual headache that would be caused by something other than getting hit in the head.

Brodie looked at her sister for a few moments at what was just said before doing something that she really did.


Ziggy covered her ears at the screaming of her older sister who was screaming like a Banshee. It also took less than 5 seconds for everyone to rush into the room to see what was going on. The Mystic Force team were shocked to see Brodie with her mouth hanging open and in shock.

"What's going on?" Daggeron asked as he saw his goddaughters who both wore different expressions on their faces.

Brodie was brought out of her shock by her sister smacking her in the face with a light smack. "You mean to tell me that you knew that you're coming into your powers?!" Brodie asked/yelled.

"Yeah. I never would have thought that I could actually get my Magical Powers but for some reason, I can feel them starting to come." Ziggy told her sister as she knew that she wanted to avoid what had happened before with what she had seen.

Chip is the one that somehow knew what was going to happen headed out of the room and returned a few moments later with a large bottle of headache relief, a large bottle of water and several cups. He placed the items on the table as he had already taken some of the pills to prevent the headache that was starting to form.

"I would advise everyone to take those pills right now as it will help you stop the major parts of the headache that you will all get." Chip told everyone as he took a seat on the floor by the wall.

Everyone in the room did just what Chip had suggested doing. Within a couple of minutes, all those in the room reached for and had taken the pain pills and turned to The RPM Green Ranger with a look that wanted an explanation and right now.

The RPM Rangers knew from what they had been told about their teammate and her family background but was she really getting her magical powers and at a time like this?

Scott knew from what he had heard and been told was that because The Mystic Force powers were element based that staying in Corinth was dangerous to their health every day they stayed but they would not forsake their vows of being protectors even if it meant their lives as some of those who had become Rangers from other teams had given their lives in protecting humanity and keeping the innocent safe.

Ziggy let out a sigh and started to tell her teammates what was happening to her and what she needed to do. She really didn't want to leave Corinth but she had seen what she saw herself become in life before what she had dubbed 'The Dream'. Ziggy knew that she had lost her way of life without even knowing it. She had wanted to be better than her sister at something that she had forgotten her roots and who she really wanted to be. Ziggy had wanted to be a protector but had gotten caught with what everyone was saying about her and her sister.

Ziggy had remembered her father and grandfather telling her that even the strongest of fighters lose their way and are tempted in some way but the fighters who are tempted know what they have been tempted by and realize that is not what they stand for and seek to become who they once were in another light.

Ziggy let a smile come to her mind as her father and grandfather had every right to tell everyone that as they both had fallen at one point in their lives under The Master's Dark Powers but it was the love of those around them that had brought them back. For her Grandfather, it was seeing his wife dying in front of him to have his memories come back and he knew who and what he stood for. For Ziggy's father, it had been his father's refusal to fight his son when he had become Korrag for a short time and had almost killed his father and it was Leanbow's refusal to fight his son and the love he had for his son that Nick had been free and had understood what his father had gone through for 20 years while he had only been controlled for a little bit less than a day.

The younger Briarwood Princess knew that if it had not been for what had happened with Korrag and the spirit of her father helping her, Ziggy knew that it would have been only a matter of time until she would have become what she fought. She would have become the villain instead of the protector.

"So you're saying that this entire time, Ziggy's been getting sick because she was cut off from the natural world do to her wanting to protect humanity?" Summer asked as she felt a little sick to her stomach that Ziggy was sick and never told anyone about it but Summer knew that Ziggy wouldn't have told anyone as she knew that other than Dillon no one had ever asked Ziggy about anything in her life.

"Yes. As I explained before, the longer we stay in this city the weaker we get in both mind and body. Before you ask, those that came with us that are not human are in no danger of getting sick as they do not need nature to survive." Daggeron told The RPM Rangers as he knew that they were going to ask about Phineas and Leelee who really did not need anything relating to nature to survive.

Scott decided to voice his option as a team leader. "I don't like the idea of being a Ranger down but given what I do know now, I do believe that this is the only way for Ziggy to survive."

The other RPM Rangers nodded in agreement as they didn't want Ziggy to die in any way if it could be avoided. It would be hard for in the battle against Venjix with only 6 rangers but it would be even harder if a ranger died because no one helped them in their fight to survive.

Ziggy looked at her teammates. She knew that Dillon was going to drag her to the place of her birth but she was so shocked at what everyone else was doing. They really did care even if they didn't show it that much or not at all.

Ziggy also got where Scott was coming from with being a Ranger down in battle but a true warrior knew how to fight when the odds were not in their favor. The younger twin knew that her teammates could handle anything that came at them for she knew deep down that everyone had the heart and courage to do what was right and not let evil win.

"Once Ziggy is recovered we'll head back to Briarwood for the sooner she gets back to the forest the better for her health and other things." Brodie pointed out as she didn't want to take her sister away from those that she had fought alongside for some time but it would seem that her sister was for it as was the RPM Rangers were as well.

Next chapter: Ziggy returns to Briarwood to heal and train her powers where she recalls a memory of her life when she younger of someone that she thought that she would never see again. Plus something happens that changes everything.

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