Chapter 1: Prologue

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Ziggy looked up at the fake night sky. He wished just once more time he could see a real sky and not the dome's artificial sky. But the Green RPM Ranger knew that would not happen. At least not with Venjix in control of the world.

The curly-haired young man looked down at the Morpher that was attached to his wrist. He wanted nothing more than to be a Power Ranger but he knew that he had no choice in the matter to bond with the Series Green Morpher otherwise it would have been in the hands of Venjix via Tenaya 7 who just so happened to be Dillon's sister.

The Green Ranger hated the way his teammates were treating him just because he couldn't fight the way they wanted him to. If the team and Dr. K only knew the truth about him. Ziggy like many of the people in Corinth was the only one of his family that made it to the Domed City. His family offered to stay out of the city in an attempt to get more people to the city.

Ziggy did know if any of his family was in Corinth and it was better if his family didn't know if he was alive.

"Ziggy, there you are." Summer's voice was heard from the doorway.

"Hey, Summer". Ziggy replied as he turned his head in the direction of the Yellow RPM Ranger.

"What are you doing up here?" The former rich girl asked as she sat down beside her teammate.

"Just looking at the sky and wishing I could see a real one again." The former con replied.

"I think that we all wish that." Summer replied with a smile.

The two rangers looked up at the fake sky for a few more minutes before Summer spoke again. "Ziggy, when we had the kids over today I noticed that you weren't as happy as you normally were. It was like looking at another person. What's wrong?" Summer asked. She was the only one other than Dillon that had gotten used to Ziggy being around and being a Ranger.

"The kids reminded me of myself when I was their ages. My mother died shortly after I was born and my father along with his parents did the best that they could do with raising me. I don't know if any of my family made it to Corinth." Ziggy told the former rich girl. Which was a lie as he knew his godfather was alive and in Corinth.

"Have you thought about trying to find any of your family?" The Yellow Ranger asked. She was lucky that she still had her parents but had lost Andrews who taught her to find herself when Venjix had attacked.

"I did. A family friend made it to the city but died shortly after arriving from injuries he got from the Grinders. Besides who would want to have anything to do with me when I am wanted by the Cartels. My family if they made it to Corinth are better off not knowing about me and I do not know about them." Ziggy told his teammate.

Summer placed a hand on the Green Ranger's shoulder and squeezed it. She like Scott and Flynn had written Ziggy off as a lost cause but when she found out about why Ziggy was wanted by the Cartels. Ziggy never really did anything bad in The Cartels and when he was in charge of 5 million dollars worth of medical supplies, he gave everything to an orphanage that had Gamma poisoning and the kids wouldn't survive without help.

Ziggy went out into the waste and met Dillon and came back to Corinth where he was arrested but still didn't tell the Cartels what he had done with the medical supplies. To Summer, what Ziggy did was braver than anything anyone could have done. Ziggy still put with the team minus Dillon degrading him.

"Don't worry Ziggy, I am sure that some of your family is alive." Summer told the curly-haired ranger.

"But who would want to have anything to do with me after what I've done?" Ziggy told Summer again.

"Ziggy, your family will love you no matter what. You have a good heart. I can sense it." The Yellow Ranger told her teammate who smiled at her.

"Thanks for the pep talk Summer. I needed that." Ziggy replied with a smile that reached his soul.

"No Problem. Come on Ziggy. Let's get back inside." Summer told her friend as she stood up.

"I will just give me a few moments. I need just a few more minutes alone." Ziggy told his teammate. "My dad and I would always watch the stars when I was younger. This brings back memories even if the sky is fake."

Summer smiled at Ziggy as she knew that he was hiding something but wouldn't push it. Ziggy would tell the team when the time came for it.

Ziggy watched Summer leave the roof with a smile. The curly-haired Green Ranger didn't know why he felt what he was feeling but something was telling him that something big was going to happen and it didn't involve Venjix.

Little did Ziggy know but he was right about something happening. Something big. Something that would change the way everyone thought of him.

Next chapter: a group of human survivors arrive at Corinth and some of them know Ziggy. Just who is Ziggy to the group of survivors?

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