Chapter 11

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It had been two days since the attack that injured Ziggy when she had taken a shot that was meant for Gem. Ziggy still hadn't woken up which was worrying everyone but mostly Dillon who along with Brodie had kept a constant vigil of the Green Ranger who was reverting somehow back to her female form for some unknown reason which was worrying Brodie as the young Blue Mystic Ranger knew how much her sister really wanted to stay a ranger but also didn't want to rebond with the Series Green Morpher again which may be the case as since Mehira was now female the bond with the Green Morpher was gone.

Brodie looked at Dillon keeping a vigil over her baby sister and thought about something. Something that the older twin hadn't thought of in a long time, not since she was a preteen when Mehira had befriended a boy who was two years older than her and his younger sister who was the same age as Mehira and her.

The boy's family had been living in Briarwood for a few weeks when Mehira had met the boy whose name that Brodie couldn't recall no matter what she did but she did know that the boy had an overprotective streak with his sister who could not see due to being born blind but the girl could hold her own in a fight as she used her cane. Mehira had met the boy on the playground during one of the few times that her father could spend with her. The boy had thought Mehira was messing with his sister when only she was helping the girl when she has slipped on a rock. After some yelling and a punch to the face on the account of the boy's sister's punching her brother in the arm for being a jerk to someone that was helping her, the three became friends and stayed friends until the siblings moved away two years later.

Brodie remembered Mehira trying to find the boy and his sister but Venjix had just been announced to the world. Everyone that was apart of the Mystic Force had prepared for the worst and the Royal family started to make a spell that would protect the people of Briarwood and make it a stop in the evacuation that every single one of the Mystic Force Rangers knew would happen. It was thanks to the shield the so many humans made it to Corinth due to the protective shield around Briarwood that was created by using the powers and blood of the Royal Family but with Nick, Udonna and Leanbow gone Brodie knew that the Shield was only being kept up by her and sister who did have magical powers but she was just late bloomer into getting her magical elemental powers as Brodie knew that her sister would get her powers someday. Their cousin Claire who was part of the Royal family was staying in Briarwood and gave them updates on everything that was happening in the town.

"Dillon, why don't you go get some sleep. I'll watch Mehira." Brodie told the Cyborg which the young Blue ranger knew wouldn't leave her sister side as he never did. Brodie knew the bond her sister had with Dillon as she could sense through her own bond that twins had.

"I'm fine. I don't sleep much anyway." Dillon replied as his eyes never left the sleeping Green RPM Ranger.

Brodie mentally rolled her eyes. Dillon was just as stubborn as her father which was something that the older twin knew that her father would like in someone that liked his younger daughter which is what Brodie knew that Dillon did care about her sister as more than a friend long before the Black Ranger knew that his friend was really a girl.

Brodie walked over to where Dillon was sitting, grabbed the Cyborg and pulled him up to put off his seat.

"Listen very carefully to what I am going to say, Dillon. You are not doing anyone any good with what you are doing. My sister will be fine. I will be here to look out for her. You need to go get something to eat and some sleep or so help me I will drag you to the kitchen by your ear in front of everyone and force-feed you. Believe me, Dillon, I am not afraid to do that." Brodie growled out.

Dillon looked at the younger and slightly smaller woman is standing in front of him. He was scared for the first time in a long time. He really could tell just how much of a bond that Brodie had with Ziggy or Mehira as the cyborg wasn't sure at how he should address his best friend right now. Brodie was really scary when it came to those she cared about. Dillon as much as he knew that he wanted to be there for his best friend, he knew that Brodie did have the right to tell him to leave when it came to her family and given what he knew Ziggy was really the only one left of their family and Brodie being the older twin was really just being protective of her younger sister much like from what he could remember he had been of his younger sister.

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