Chapter 4

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Dillon grabbed his first friend and maybe the only friend before she hit the floor. Ziggy had just been told that her father may be dead. Based on what Dillon had been told by Ziggy when they had been out shopping was that she was close to her father.

"Ziggy!" Brodie yelled out as she ran to her younger twin sister who had collapsed into the Black Ranger's arms. She hadn't heard what was said to cause her sister who was one of the strongest people that she knew to pass out.

"What happened?" Brodie asked as she glared at her Uncles in all but blood as they were the only ones that had spoke to Ziggy.

"We told her that Nick may not be alive." Chip said being the first to speak. The Yellow Mystic Ranger knew that Ziggy would have a hard time dealing with what happened to her father.

"You told her that! What in the name of the Ancient Mystics were you thinking!? You know how much of a bond she had with dad." Brodie screamed at her uncles. She was being held back from strangling them by Summer and Flynn who was having a hard time keeping the half-human young lady restrained.

"She would have known the truth if we lied to her. She always was able to know if we were lying." Xander pointed out. It was true that Ziggy could tell if someone was lying no matter what the subject was.

Brodie let out of a growl before she calmed down. She nodded to Summer and Flynn that it was okay to let go of her.

"I'm going to take Ziggy back to her room," Dillon told his team and his friend's family.

"Good idea Dillon." Dr. K. said as she looked over at Ranger Green's sister who was calming down. The young Doctor could see right away that Brodie cared deeply for her sister much like Gem and Gemma cared for each other.

Dillon nodded his head as he picked Ziggy bridal style and carried off to her room followed by Phineas who was glaring at Chip and Xander.

"What was that all about?" Scott asked as he had never seen Ziggy act like that but then again she had just been told that her father may be dead.

"Ziggy has a deep bond with her father. So deep that some say it rivals the bond Nick had with his parents. Nick came to Briarwood when he was 21 to find his birth parents who turned out to be Udonna and Leanbow. Leanbow had been transformed into Koragg when 40 years ago The Master had tried to take over the world. Let's just say when we found out that Koragg was Leanbow it didn't go well with Nick who didn't know at the time he was Udonna and Leanbow's son. Nick wanted to get to know his birth father but he had a hard time dealing with the forgiveness. Nick was always stubborn and had anger issues. It wasn't until the Master had taken control of Nick, fought his father and was saved by Leanbow did Nick finally understood what his father went through when he was under the Master's dark powers." Xander told the younger rangers. He remembered the amount of anger Nick had when Nick had found out about his birth father. It did not go well with the Red Mystic Ranger. It had taken Nick a lot of time for him to deal with what happened.

"When Nick became a father, he understood just how much of a bond his parents had with him. He was so protective of his daughters after what happened to their mother who was the Blue Mystic Ranger who was killed by an unknown entity." Chip told the group.

"I remember those days. Dad wouldn't let us out of RootCore unless someone was with us and then it was always training with someone. He didn't even let up even when we turned 18, he still wanted us to be guarded. But when Venjix attacked we never been so thankful for the extra training he had us do. It allowed us to get people to Corinth." Brodie told the group.

"I never thought that Ziggy was that protected or had that much training." Dr. K. pointed out.

"Oh, believe me, Ziggy was more protected than I was as she reminded dad so much of mom from the stories I heard about her," Brodie told the group.

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