Chapter 14

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Scott, Summer, and Flynn were all woken up in the early morning by a very loud noise. Due to their training to be ready at a moments notice, the three primary Rangers were up in a flash ready to fight only to discover that the loud noise was Ziggy screaming her guts out at what the Red, Blue and Yellow RPM Rangers figured was her sister and family members as they were still coming down the stairs.

"You have got to be kidding me?!" Ziggy screamed at her Godfather as she paced around the living room.

"Do I look like I am kidding?" Daggeron replied with a slight glare. He knew Mehira would act this way as she was very much like her father in so many ways including having the same type of temper.

"I don't believe this! You want me to go back to Briarwood for an unknown amount of time when Corinth is being attacked by Venjix and his army just because I fainted?!" Ziggy yelled in the face of her godfather.

"Ziggy, it's not just because you fainted but you are coming into her powers and since there is no outlet for you to practice them you need to come back to Briarwood to harness them," Zander told the girl.

"Oh give me a break! You are going to try and pull the 'I'm coming into my powers' trick when you all know that I don't have and will not ever get any magic powers other than shape-shifting and even that is limited." Ziggy snarled out at her family. She couldn't believe that they would use one of the things that she knew wasn't true. One of the things that hurt her the most. She didn't have any powers and would never have them. Not after what had happened when she was 13 and she knew that she would never get her powers.

Brodie made a move towards her younger sister. She knew that her sister had a temper and the fact that they had told her that she would have to leave Corinth was not going to go very well.


Ziggy turned her head towards her sister so fast that everyone thought that she's broken her neck. "Don't you dare talk to me!" Ziggy growled out at her sister in a voice that scared everyone in the room. "Don't you dare. All my life all I've heard was how I was always compared to my sister in both fighting and magical. I am just as good as you are when it comes to hand to hand combat. But when someone talked about me all I heard was it was such a shame that I never got or would get my magical powers. That I was a 'weak link' in the family. Now it seems that when I have finally found something that I am good and better than you at you decided to come in and try to take that away from me so that you can always be better than me. Well, that is not going to work. I am NOT going to let anyone take away the one thing that I have finally found that my sister can not be better than meat. I AM NOT LEAVING THIS CITY. If you want to leave then be my guest but I am staying and protecting what is left of the human race. What is left of mom's race." Ziggy growled out as she turned on her heels and left the room in a hurry causing everyone to jump when they heard one of the few in machine operated doors slam shut.

"Well, that went well." Chip said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Is that normal?" Scott asked as he poked his head in the doorway as he was shocked at how angry Ziggy had gotten. Never had the leader of The RPM Rangers ever thought that Ziggy had such a temper.

"Think of that as magical puberty. It's not that much different than when you hit your teens but add magic powers to that then you are in for the ride of your life." Daggeron said as he shivered a little bit as he thought when Brodie had gotten her powers and also was going through human puberty. That had been a nightmare at times. Mehira had only or so everyone thought would go through human puberty but now that was not the case.

"Only Mehira grew up thinking that she would never get any magical powers and now refuses to believe that she is getting hers. Also, you should now that what she said about her always being compared to me is the truth. Not everyone did but quite a few people were always calling her a waste to The Royal Family and that she was nothing compared to me since I was an early bloomer when coming into my powers and was considered a prodigy. People other than family friends and a few others focused their attention on me and hardly ever saw my sister. You can only take so much before you break. Mehira seems to think that because I was always better at many of the things she tried that I now want to take her place here in Corinth because she has found something that she feels that she is better at then I am. But that will never be the case. Please keep this in mind. My sister is very devoted to protecting people as am I so I am only suggesting that she feels that since she is now The RPM Green Ranger that she has a duty even at the cost of her life to protect Corinth which is the same thing that I would do." Brodie told the three rangers with a sigh. It was true that Brodie was better at many things in life but she did hate the way that people would whisper about how weak her sister was. It was like everyone had forgotten that their father Bowen did not come into his magic until he was 20 due to being raised by humans which were not a bad thing as Brodie and her sister did meet their dad's adopted parents who were great and some of the most loving people they had ever met.

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