Chapter 13

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Dillon watched from a distance as Ziggy and her sister Brodie were talking so to speak to each other but without saying a word. It was much like what Gem and Gemma did sometimes. The Black Ranger knew that the two were talking about what they had seen based on the body movements that were going on between the two.

The cyborg noticed out of the corner of his eyes that the three older members of the Mystic Force Rangers were also talking in hush voices in one of the corners. Thanks to his upgrades Dillon could hear every word that was being said but didn't listen to them as it wasn't any of his business and it was a matter of respect.

The other RPM Rangers were concerned as well but had stayed out of sight. This was very bad as they all knew just by what they were told that Ziggy and Brodie had a bond that was powerful with their father and thought that he was dead only to just find out that he may be Koragg, The Wolf Knight.

Dr. K came into the room to say something but Dillon shot the Doctor a glare that told to stay quiet which she did. The young genius was having a hard time dealing with what was going on but in a way, she did know how Ziggy and her sister were feeling when someone that you thought was dead but showed up alive. It was the same way that K felt with Gem and Gemma when they had come back but this time the person in question was on the side of evil or may not even be the same person but a clone.

Dr. K turned her head right away when she heard a loud thud. The thud turned out to be Ziggy crashing to the floor as her sister grabbed her. Dillon was right beside the twins faster than he had been.

"What happened?" Dr. K asked as she ran over as well and started checking Ziggy over.

"We were talking about what had just happened and then all of a sudden she just collapsed," Brodie replied as she watched Dr. K look her sister over. The older twin had a feeling that her younger sister had collapsed do to everything that had been happening as of late.

"It looks like just a case of exhaustion and nothing that a good night sleep won't cure." Dr. K replied as she finished her scans, got up of of the floor to let Dillon take Ziggy into his arms and carry her to her room with Brodie following behind her.

As Dr. K was leaving the room she overheard the Mystic Force. "I am surprised that Mehira lasted this long in this place," Xander whispered.

"I know. I'm human and even I'm having a problem in this environment." Chip replied.

"I truly do not think that Mehira's situation is just the result of being in this Dome completely but a mixture of many things that has happened in a short time." Daggeron pointed out as he leaned against a chair. He was looking his age even though he like many of what was called Magical Briarwoodians would have a longer life span.

"True. Unlike Brodie whose been with us in Briarwood, Mehira's been away from her family, home town and one of the few only natural environments left on Earth, so it was only a matter of time before her body gave out from everything that has been happening. If she wasn't half-human than there was no way Mehira would have lasted this long." Xander pointed out as he was starting to feel the drain of his energy and strength since his power was based on the Earth itself but because he was human his powers would take longer to drain. The Ranger of Earth knew that it was because his Godniece was half-human that she had survived this long cause if Mehira had been full Magical Briarwoodian than she would have died a long time ago. That and Mehira was a fighter to the end.

"She's at her breaking point, isn't she?" Chip asked as he knew the answer to that question and didn't like it at all.

Daggeron looked at the man that he had trained when the man had just been a boy when he had started teaching him on how to be a warrior and to fight with honor no matter what. "Yes. Everyone has a breaking point and even her grandfather had one. I think given the fact that she had to hide that fact that she was able to fight and defend herself may be part of the reason she is like this."

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