Chapter 6

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Three weeks had passed since Ziggy was reunited with her family. Scott had noticed that the Green Ranger had become happier since Ziggy had found out that some of her family were still alive. But Scott could tell that something else was bothering her though she never let what was bothering her interfere with fighting Venjix or the few servants that remained of The Master.

The leader of the RPM Rangers was still having a hard time dealing with the fact that the one Ranger that everyone thought couldn't fight was a very good fighter and had given up so much just to protect people that didn't know that the truth about her.

Scott had found out recently that Ziggy could break the bond with the Morpher without being killed. All she had to do was shapeshift back to her female form thus breaking the Morpher's bond but she hadn't and Scott had a feeling that Ziggy wouldn't unless it was really needed. Ziggy was loyal to her team. Scott figured that the loyalty came from Ziggy's heritage hence being the daughter and granddaughter of Power Rangers and that Ziggy just had the sense that she would always be loyal to what she thought was right.

Scott was going to find out what was causing Ziggy to act the way that she was acting. But he was going to do that in a nice way since he knew that Ziggy didn't fully trust him after the way he had treated her when she had first become the Green Ranger. Scott knew that he was a jerk to Ziggy and was bound and determined to make it up to her.

Ziggy was in the training room with Daggeron when Scott had tracked her down. Scott watched as Ziggy took on Daggeron in a fighting style that Scott had never seen before. Both Ziggy and Daggeron had one of their arms connected to a rope and had a wooden sword in the other hand. In Scott's option, it looked like something out of a Medieval Faire or how Knights would fight in old times based on books and movies that he had seen when he was a child.

"It's called Bound Battle," Xander told the Red RPM Ranger as he watched the battle. "It was a way Daggeron taught us a hand to hand combat. Mehira's father and Grandfather were some of the best in the field. It was one of the first things that Nick taught Brodie and Mehira to do when they developed their powers. 'To train your mind you must train your body' was the quote that Leanbow taught us when he and Daggeron trained us."

"So this is a training exercise to train both your mind and body?" Scott asked as he watched Ziggy get one up on Daggeron who being close to 60 was still in good shape. Ziggy did a move that looked like a flip causing Daggeron to lose his grip on his wooden sword. Ziggy grabbed the sword and gave her godfather a smirk before giving it back to him to continue their training.

"She had the battle won. Why did Ziggy give Daggeron his sword back?" Scott asked as he watched in fascination the battle of someone who he thought wasn't a fighter and a combat trainer.

"When we were trained, we were trained to fight with honor and fight fair no matter what. By giving Daggeron his sword back, Ziggy is fighting fair and honorable. She wants to win this duel with honor." Xander explained as Daggeron got the upper hand and won. "See, Ziggy lost with honor. If she hadn't given Daggeron his sword back and she would have fought him then there would have been no honor in winning."

Scott looked at the Green Mystic Ranger with awe. That would explain why Ziggy did what she did. She fought with honor no matter what the situation was. She could have told Dr. K where to put it but didn't as well as showing him, Flynn and Summer up on the fighting skills. Ziggy was an honorable fighter and person. She was also loyal to those she thought of as friends but deep down she was very loyal to Dillon. Ziggy was on her way back to Briarwood when she ran into Dillon and decided to help him get to Corinth and put up with being beaten up by members of the Cartels when she could just use her fighting skills to get away. She was the reason Dillon was on the Ranger team.

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