Chapter 10

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A month had passed since The Rangers of Briarwood had come to Corinth and revealed many things about Ziggy to the RPM Rangers but also how much their world had changed.

Gem looked at Brodie spar with Dillon. It was nice to have another set of siblings on the team but he would never have thought that one of the siblings was actually the Green Ranger who the Gold Ranger knew from the first time he had met was hiding something but he never would have thought that Ziggy was female or the daughter of a Red and Blue Ranger or that she was a twin. But Gem could tell that Ziggy did care about her family or those that she thought of a family. Gem knew the meaning of family as all he could call family until he had become Ranger was his sister and Dr. K.

Gem also could tell that Ziggy was willing to protect her fellow Rangers. He found that out when Venjix sent a very powerful Attack Bot to the City.

Gem would never forget what happened. One moment the Attack Bot which looked like a blow dryer was firing it's the main weapon at him which he didn't have time to dodge and the next moment he saw a flash of green and Ziggy lying on the ground demorped with blood coming from a very nasty wound in her shoulder.

Gem acted fast as he knew that the Rangers could take care of the Attack Bot while he helped Ziggy. The Gold Ranger began doing triage and checked the wound which was bleeding very badly. Gem applied pressure to the wound as he waited for the rescue workers to come and help Ziggy who really needed the help as her shoulder refused to stop bleeding. Gem was worried that the team would lose Ziggy considering how much blood she was losing at a very alarming rate.

"Ziggy, you have to hang on. Do you hear me! Keep your eyes opened." Gem yelled as saw Ziggy start to close her eyes.

Ziggy opened her eyes to glare at the Gem which made the Gold Ranger feel better as he knew that the Green Ranger was awake which was a good thing at the moment. Gem never let up on the wound despite the blood seeping through his hands.

Once the Attack bot had been taken care of with help from the Mystic Rangers before help could get to Ziggy. Ziggy's sister was the first to arrive and began to treat her sister's wound which is hard do to if Gem had let go of Ziggy's shoulder the Green Ranger would bleed to death in a matter of minutes.

"Doc, can the Green Morper teleport two people at the same time?" Brodie asked as she helped Gem stop her sister's bleeding.

"Yes, it can." The Doctor replied over the Gold Morpher as she caught on to what the Blue Mystic Ranger was saying.

"Good cause I need you to teleport Gem and Ziggy to the base when I say too." The young Princess told the genius.

"Alright. Just tell me when."

"Gem, whatever you do, don't let go of Ziggy's shoulder," Brodie told the Gold Ranger who nodded his head and tightened his grip on Ziggy's shoulder.

"Now Doc!" Brodie yelled as she let go of her younger Twin's shoulder just as she watched her sister and The Gold Ranger vanish in light of green.

Brodie looked at the blood on her hands. She just couldn't believe that it was her sister's blood.

"Let's get back to the base. I am sure that Dr. K is treating Ziggy and I want to know how she's doing." Scott told team as he demorped and headed toward his car while that other RPM Rangers headed towards their respected vehicles and the Mystic Rangers followed them. Flynn gave Brodie a towel for her to wipe some of the blood of her hands before she got into the truck.

The ride to back to the base was long and tiring. Everyone was worried about Ziggy. Judging from the amount of blood that was on the ground and on Brodie's hands, the wound was bad.

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