Chapter 18

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Ziggy took a large gulp of water from her water bottle as she took her to break from her training. A month had passed since she had come back to Briarwood and reconnected with the land of her birth and her awakening magic. Since coming back home and having her body and mind be trained Ziggy felt healthier than she had been in a long time. She had started to gain some weight which was what her body needed as she was always a little on the skinny side, to begin with but going back and forth into The Wastelands to get people in to Corinth she had lost weight that she couldn't afford to lose and wasn't able to get that much-needed weight put back on do to the food restrictions as well as the 3 weeks she spent in the wastes before she met Dillon and even then with all the training, extra food rations that the Rangers got and Venjix attacks she had lost even more weight.Ziggy later found out when she got back home to Briarwood that she wasn't able to put on much weight even with The Rangers being given a little more Protein-based foods. The reason she wasn't able to put on weight but was losing it was the fact that she was cut off from the Earth itself as her magic was feeding off her own body and her body was feeding off her magic. It was a gray area as both her body and magic were keeping her alive but was also 'killing' her in a way at the same time.During the training these past weeks, Ziggy felt for some unknown reason a power that she had been feeling for a long time but was new but not new to her. Which she thought was weird because she never really could feel magic in this amount of power. She could feel her family and the other Mystic Force rangers but that was it. But this power was not anything like the Mystic Power as it was so strange that only she could feel it.The power that Ziggy felt was powerful but scary but not scary but could go good or evil. Leanbow had always said that Magic was neither good nor bad but it was how the person who used magic that made it good or bad.Ziggy brought out her thoughts when she felt a wet snout on her shoulder. The Princess looked to her left shoulder to see FireHeart nuzzling her with his nose with a worried look on his face.Ziggy smiled as she petted the Dragon on the muzzle to let him know that she was alright. Ever since she had been back, The dragon had always been near her in some way. While FireHeart was very protective of both her and Brodie, The dragon seemed to have bonded more with her.Ziggy had a feeling that Fireheart's bonding with her may have had something to do with maybe that even though she hadn't shown any signs of having powers in any way was that FireHeart saw the heart of a warrior that she had.Ziggy thought back to when her father had told both her and Brodie about FireHeart and that he would choose the next to sit and ride on his back. Everyone assumed that The Mighty Dragon would choose the elder of the twins due to the powerful magic she had shown at a young age but in the end, as well as a surprise to many FireHeart had chosen the Princess who show no major magic to be his new 'master'.Ziggy remembered that day well when FireHeart had chosen her over her sister. She had never been so shocked in her life while her older sister gave her the biggest hug and grin in her life at the time. Since that day FireHeart never left her side and would do a dragon type glare at anyone that looked at her wrong.The dragon was so protective of his Mistress that when Venjix attacked he had wanted to help with getting people to The Dome but was told to stay in Briarwood and keep the people that were using the town as a pit stop safe.Xander watched from the treeline his goddaughter and the last dragon enjoy their time together. FireHeart had hardly left Mehira's side since she had come back to Briarwood. FireHeart had been so happy when he had found out that Mehira was coming home. Xander remembered how depressed as well as angry that dragon had been when the shields to Corinth had gone up and Mehira was still inside. The dragon had almost burnt down RootCore in his anger but he didn't as he had to follow what Mehira had told him to do and that was to protect those that lived in Briarwood from harm.Xander was brought out his thoughts when he heard Mehira let out a pain-filled gasp. He saw his goddaughter on her knees hugging her chest where her heart was with FireHeart nuzzling her with his snout in a comforting but worried manner.The Green Mystic Ranger ran over to his goddaughter to see what was wrong and if he could help. He knew that Mehira was still trying to tune her body back to nature and was hoping this was one of the side effects that that could happen but something told Xander that this wasn't the case."Mehira, are you okay?" Xander asked as he came to his knees in front of his goddaughter who was gasping for breath in pain.Ziggy could hear Xander's voice as well as feel Fireheart but for some reason, she just couldn't respond do to the pain that she was feeling throughout her entire body. This pain was like nothing that she had ever felt and she had felt her fair share of pain during the past few years.This pain was like every single cell in her body was being pulled apart as well as a fire burning through her body at the same time. What was this pain? What was causing this surge of magic that she was feeling? Mehira heard Xander say her name before she passed out from the pain surging through her body.Meanwhile in Corinth.Flynn looked at Chip who had let out a small gasp of pain. The mechanic was about to walk over to the older Ranger when the Mystic Force Ranger went down to his knees in pain. Flynn and Summer who had just entered the room rushed to the Yellow Mystic Force Ranger's side who looked like he was trying to breath through the pain."What is going on?" Dr. K asked as she saw what was happening in the room. She knew that The Male yellow ranger was having issues with being cut off from the natural elements do to his power but what she was seeing was something that was scaring even her."I don't know. One moment he was fine and the next he just went down like a ton of bricks." Flynn replied knowing that the young Doctor knew what he was talking about as she had started to speak like a normal human being.Dr. K ran over as fast as she could to check Chip over to see if she could find anything that could determine what was happening to the Yellow Ranger only to duck as several bolts of lightning appeared from Chip's body and went everywhere causing everyone in the room to scatter or jump behind something."His powers seem to be going out of control." Summer yelled out as she hid behind the couch."No. If his powers were going out of control then the lighting bolts would be random. These bolts seem to be missing us on purpose." Flynn yelled out from his spot behind a door."He's right." Dr. K replied as she noticed that the lighting bolts didn't seem to be random as if the lighting based Ranger was losing control of his powers but not one of the Bolts had hit them and seemed to be only a few feet from the Mystic Force Ranger."Then what the heck's going on?" Summer yelled as she saw that that the bolts were only staying in a small area."I do not know." Dr. K replied as she noticed that Chip seemed to be calming down and breathing hard as the lighting bolts seemed to stop as well.Chip let out a scream of pure pain as felt the last of the pain leave his body and place his hands on the floor of the RPM base breathing hard and trying to catch his breath. Never had he felt such a force like he had just felt a few moments ago. Based on what he 'saw' in Briarwood Mehira had been going through the same thing but Xander had not but The Thunder Ranger had a feeling that the Earth Ranger and the others would be feeling this pain as well."Chip, are you alright?" Flynn asked as he walked over to his new friend."I've been better. Is everyone alright?" Chip asked as he was helped to his feet by the Blue RPM Ranger and Yellow Ranger who lead him to the couch to sit down."What happened?" Dr. K asked as she grabbed a scanner to see if she could find anything that could tell her what had caused what had just happened."I don't know. One minute I was fine and then the next there was this horrible pain that was unlike anything I've had never felt and believed me I've felt my fair share of pain." Chip replied as Summer brought him some pain pills and a glass of water."There doesn't seem to be anything that I've found that could tell us what has happened but that doesn't mean that there wasn't something that caused this." Dr. K replied as the scanner beep showing her that it didn't find anything wrong but The Doctor had a feeling that what had happened was on the magical side."Mehira was going through the same thing. I can 'see; if you want to put it that way what is happening in Briarwood and she seemed to be feeling the same type of pain but she's younger and new to Magic and passed out from the pain. The others didn't seem to be going through the pain but that doesn't mean that they won't in due time." Chip told the RPM Rangers and the young Doctor.Meanwhile in Briarwood.Xander had just laid Mehira on the couch when started to feel an unbearable amount of pain rush through his body as he went down to his knees in pain and felt the earth shake but the shaking was only a few feet from him.Brodie who was in the next room felt the pain as well and also dropped to her knees in pain. Water spilled everywhere as well come from nowhere but much like Xander and Chip with their powers only appeared a few feet from her and around her.Daggeron could only watch in horror at his goddaughter and friend as they screamed in pain but there was nothing he could do to help them as he had no idea what was going on.Then much like Brodie, Mehira, and Xander he felt the same pain come out of nowhere and strike him causing him to drop to his knees as his light powers shown brightly but also only a few feet from him.Then much just like Mehira and Chip, the pain stopped and they were gasping for air."What the heck was that?" Brodie asked as she slowly got to her knees with the help of a wall."I don't know but I have a feeling that Chip went through the same thing," Dagggeron replied as he used a chair to help him to his feet.Xander was using the couch that Mehira was sleeping on to get him to his feet. He felt exhausted but felt no more pain other than a major headache which he knew just by the 'sense' he had developed with the others that they all had headaches as well.Brodie just decided to lay on the floor in a spread-eagle pose as the water around her just went back into her body. She had never in her life ever felt something like that. Just what the heck was that?"I have a feeling that something is going to happen but what I do not know," Daggeron said after a few minutes of trying to catch his breath.Brodie and Xander both thought the same thing and it wasn't just magic related. It was something else plus magic.

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