Chapter 9

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Dillon watched from the sidelines as Ziggy trained with her sister. He like all of the rangers were still having a hard time dealing with the fact that Ziggy was a girl and a Princess. Dillon knew that Ziggy could fight as she had managed to keep the Morpher away from Tenaya and Ziggy was able to hold her own in a fight. But it was the fact that his best friend was a girl. Not that he was saying that girls couldn't fight as both Summer and Dr. K could fight in their own ways. It was just hard for him to deal with the fact that Ziggy was female and he was slightly embarrassed that he had stripped out of his clothes to take a shower when Ziggy was in the room but now he knew why Ziggy would always turn her head or cover her eyes.

"I don't begin to know what you are going through Dillon but understand that Mehira hid her gender to protect you all." Chip said as he came over to where the Black RPM Ranger was leaning against the railing.

The Cyborg look over to where The Yellow Mystic Ranger was standing. He had a slight smile on his face.

"You dealt with changing in front of someone that you didn't know was a girl?" Dillon asked.

"Actually I walked in on Vida who was the Pink Mystic Ranger and the twin sister Mehira's mother before and Vida threw everything but the sink at me when I did. So you were lucky that when you changed in front of Mehira. She could have turned you into a frog or something as she does know that spell which was the first spell she learned." Chip told Dillon as he remembered Vida and her smile.

"Vida was more than your friend and teammate, wasn't she?" Dillon asked as he heard the emotions in Chip's voice as he talked about the Pink Ranger.

"Yeah. Vida was everything to me. She was my wife in all but legal name. Thus making me by no legal marriage Brodie and Mehira's uncle. Just to clear things up. Xander is a Goduncle while Daggeron is a Godfather and Trainer and an overprotective nitwit at times." Chip explained.

Dillon looked at the Yellow Mystic Ranger with a weird look in his eyes.

Chip let a smile come to his face. "Daggeron trained us and I am sure that you already know is the godfather to Brodie and Mehira but he was also protected of Nick who was the twin's father and our leader. Well, when Mehira was 15 she went out on a date with a boy. Keep in mind that this date was just a dinner date where the guy would take her to dinner and bring her home. Well, Daggeron wasn't so sure of the guy so he followed Mehira and it turns out that the guy was completely trustworthy as all the guy did was actually take her to dinner and drop her off at home. When Mehira found out that Daggeron had followed her, she let him have it big time. Mehira had the temper of her father and while she doesn't have a lot of magical powers she does have some and she was so mad she turned Daggeron into a frog which is something he hates with a passion due to being cursed as one for 20 years. Mehira refused to talk to him for days even though she knew it was only because he cared but she was mad. Like I said she has her father's temper and that can be a good thing or a bad thing." Chip explained as she looked at Dillon. There was something about the Black Ranger that he found familiar but couldn't place it.

"What happened to the boy that took Ziggy out on the date?" Dillon asked not really fearing a relationship with Ziggy.

"Mehira developed a friendship with the boy who name's I really can't remember but he was a couple of years older than Mehira and had a young sister the same age as Mehira. The three of them became close for the year that the boy and his sister were in Briarwood but Mehira lost track of the boy when the boy's family moved. Mehira tried her best to find him again but with Venjix attacking and her getting the refugees to Corinth, she stopped trying to find him but she had a feeling that they made it to Corinth but she won't find the boy until Venjix is defeated. That way the boy and his family will be safe."

"So this boy was nothing more than a friend?" Dillon asked. He didn't know why but hearing Chip talk about Ziggy having a close friendship with another boy made mad.

"Mehira had a crush on the boy for a little while but it evolved into friendship over time. It may have had something to do with the boy moving away and Venjix virus being announced. Mehira focused on her training as she felt that something was going to happen and she was right." Chip told Dillon who he knew just by the way the Black RPM Ranger spoke of Mehira. Chip knew that like all the RPM Rangers they were getting used to the idea that Ziggy was a girl. Heck, he would be the same way.

Dillon smiled to himself. He didn't know why but he was starting to have a strange feeling about Ziggy. She the reason he had become the Black Ranger. She also stood by him no matter what he did and defended him when the virus had taken control of him for a short time.

"Loyalty is something that is hard to come by Mehira but I can tell that she's more loyal to you than the Rangers Dillon. But once you have her loyalty you will never lose it. I think you remind her of Nick who was headstrong and stubborn but was also willing to risk his life for those he cared about. Heck, Nick was the most powerful sorcerer to exist and he didn't even believe in magic when he first came to Briarwood and low and behold he finds out that he's the son of Udonna and Leanbow and is a prince." Chip told Dillon.

"Kinda like me. All I knew was my name was Dillon, that I had a sister and that I had Venjix tech in me and all I had was a pocket watch that played a tune that is the same that Tenaya 7 sings. It was at that time that I realized that Tenaya was my sister. So I know where your friend was coming from when it came to family." Dillon replied with a smile.

"So it seems that Ziggy did choose the best one of the rangers to be friends with and loyal to." Chip replied. "But I have just one thing to say to you so listen well. When Ziggy is able to shift back into her true form, I want you to treat with the respect she deserves cause I know that you have feelings for Ziggy long before you found out that Ziggy was female. I can see it in your eyes." The yellow Mystic Force Ranger told the Cyborg with a hint of a growl in his voice but something told the Master of Thunder that Dillon wouldn't hurt Ziggy, it was more like Dillon would hurt anyone that would hurt Ziggy.

Dillon's eyes for the first time since finding out that Dr. K. was a woman and younger than them went wide. He had just been threatened by a veteran ranger. Granted said Ranger was the uncle to the first friend he had ever had and the first person other than his sister that he cared about.

"I promise you this Chip, that I would never hurt Ziggy in any way, shape or form," Dillon replied as he saw Chip look his straight in the eyes.

Chip knew that the Black Ranger in front of him was telling the truth. Dillon while half metal was purely human and cared about Ziggy. "Make sure you keep that promise cause I know a Knight that would turn you into scrap metal in a flash if you ever hurt Ziggy in any way." Chip told Dillon before he left the room.

Next chapter: Ziggy is hurt when an Attack bot comes to Corinth and an old enemy of the Rangers makes an appearance. Who will it be?

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