Chapter 5

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True to what Brodie had said, Daggeron had received many punches, most of them had come from Ziggy and Brodie but Xander and Chip had gotten a few in. The Knight of the Sun knew that he had deserved the punches as he really should have told everyone that he was alive but like he had said it was important for Mehira to learn who she was and who she wanted to be.

Ziggy along with her sister were sleeping on the couch being watched by Daggeron when Dr. K. had come in to check up on her Ranger Operators. The young genius did even though she never showed it much did care about her Rangers.

"Is it really true that Ranger Green is the daughter of a Red and Blue Ranger?" Dr. K. asked the Mystic Warrior who turned around to face her as soon as she entered the room.

"Yes. Mehira is the youngest daughter of Bowen, The Red Mystic Force Ranger and Madison, The Blue Mystic Force Ranger. I am sure that you know this already." Daggeron told the Doctor as his eyes never left the twins.

The Doctor nodded her head. She could also see how protective the man in front of her was of Ziggy and her sister.

"I have a question to ask you if you don't mind." Dr. K. said as she walked over to her computer that was in the room.

"Why do I use the name Mehira when I am talking about Ziggy?" Daggeron replied knowing what the Doctor was going to ask.


"Ziggy is the nickname the Mehira has had since she was 3 years old. She got that name when she first learned how to fly on a broom. She was zig-zag everywhere she could. Her grandmother Udonna started to call her Ziggy and the name stuck. To everyone outside of her family and the Rangers, she was Ziggy but to us she was Mehira." Daggeron told the genius who was listening with keen ears.

"Brodie is also a nickname. Her real name is Boudicca after the Iceni Queen who was a queen of a race of British Celts. Her father started calling her Brodie when he realized that his oldest daughter couldn't pronounce her name right." Daggeron explained knowing that the young woman in front of him would want to know Brodie's ream name as well.

"I see." Dr. K. replied. She had a feeling that the man in front of her was going to talk to her about the way she had been treating his goddaughter. She was right when she saw Daggeron walk up to her and get in her face.

"You and I need to have a talk about how you've been treating Ziggy." The Knight of the Sun said with anger in his voice.

"I understand," K. said as she was starting to feel like she was the worst of the worst when it came to the way she had treated Ziggy when she first became a ranger all because she thought that Ziggy wasn't the perfect candidate for being a ranger when Ziggy was the perfect candidate. Ziggy was the best fighter they had even if she didn't want to be a ranger, she chooses to put on the Series Green Morpher to keep it out of Venjix's hands. But what did she and the other rangers besides Dillon do? They insult her and tell her that she was not meant to be a ranger. Ziggy put up with so much but she never let what was said get her down. She put her everything into the training that she dare could in order to keep who she was for the Corinth Military a secret.

"I Will be truthful Dr. K. I do not think that you are a good mentor nor a good trainer. You treat your team as if they were nothing but weapons and forget that they have feelings. You think that being a ranger requires training and certain components. Which is not the case. Many of the rangers of the past never thought that they had what it took to be a ranger. Mehira and Brodie's father was one of them but over time he became who he was meant to be. A ranger can not be made by tests but are born through the trials they go through in life. To be a Ranger you must have Heart and your soul must be pure in away. You have treated Mehira like she was a plague just because she didn't make up your list of what a Ranger should be. You are almost no better than some of the previous Ranger teams of the past main villains. It is no wonder Humanity was almost destroyed by you." Daggeron told the Doctor who eyes went wide in shock at the last part. Did the Solaris Knight know the truth about what she had done?

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