Chapter 20

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A few months had passed since Ziggy and Brodie were reunited with their father, the wizard of fire. While he was teaching Mehira the ways of Fire, Summer and Dr. K looked into her history about the mystic rangers and were shocked to see that she was the daughter of fire and water.

While they were doing that, Dillon was training with Chip and Xander. Brodie was in the kitchen getting something to drink when she turned around and was in shock that she dropped her drink which broke when she saw "Aunt Vida"?

Chip and the others came and Summer asked "Who's that"? Mehira said "Our mom's twin sister". Both sisters ran over to hug her with tears in her eyes and they all landed on their knees. Chip, Xander, Nick, Daggeron, and Jenji all hugged them as well.

Vida pulled away and said, "I'm not the only one that's here come on in guys". Mehira gasped and hug tackled "Grandma grandpa"!

Dillon asked Brodie "What is going on"? She said, "Ziggy not only was close to our dad but to our grandparents also, she's happy to see them and the woman we just hugged is Chip's wife and our mom's sister a.k.a. The pink rager even though she hated pink at first".

When the hugging and crying were all done, all that they felt was missing was Maddie and what Ziggy did not know was when her birthday comes around, her greatest wish will come true.

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