the Maze

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George's POV:
I was full on avoiding Fred. And I had every right to. He kissed my girlfriend. The next couple days I spent the nights in Y/n's room so I didn't have to share a room with Fred. Jenna and Adrian had started dating so she wasn't in their dorm much anymore anyway. I was still mad at Fred, but Y/n and I were doing great.

The third and final task was coming up, and I could tell Y/n was getting nervous for Cedric. And I think I understood how she felt. Mad or not, if Fred was out there risking his life, or if Y/n had gotten chosen, I'd be a ball of nerves too. The nights leading up to the task, she held her teddy bear extra tight when she went to sleep. The one that Cedric got her for her birthday. That seemed so long ago now that I thought about it. I was sure once the task was over and the tournament was finished, she would be more relaxed at night.

Your POV:
The day of the final task was here. I tried to hide how nervous I was when I wished Cedric luck, but it was no use. He knew me too well.
"Y/n," He told me, "I'm gonna be okay."
"I know," I said, "I believe in you. Just be careful please. I'll be in the stands, I'll see you when it's over."
He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I held him tight and buried my face in his shoulder.

I met George in the stands as the task was starting. Fred was sitting by Lee, far away from us in the crowd. It broke my heart seeing them fight, but I didn't want to get involved more than I already had.

We sat in the stands and waited for someone to finish the maze, eating gummy slugs and talking. I wondered exactly what the maze consisted of. I knew that the Tri-Wizard cup was hidden in there somewhere, but was it just a normal maze? That seemed too easy. Suddenly, as I was deep in conversation with George, Harry appeared down in the grass along with Cedric. Everyone cheered. But I didn't. Something was wrong. Why was he laying like that? I sprinted down the steps and stopped when I realized. I was maybe ten feet away, and I could tell. He was dead. Cedric. My best friend. He wasn't moving, and his face was stoic. All the light was drained from his face and his eyes were empty. I screamed. I screamed so loud I was sure everyone now knew that something was wrong. I screamed and I cried with my head in my hands. This couldn't be happening. He was so close. He didn't deserve to die. I crawled over to him and Harry.
"Cedric? Cedric please. Cedric please wake up." I cried, "Harry please, what happened?" I asked softly, choking back my tears.
"Voldemort's back!" He cried, "Cedric... he asked me to bring his body back."
I placed my hand on Cedric's head and brushed his hair back. He was so still and lifeless. The Cedric I knew was always so full of life, this just felt wrong. Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders and turned to see George at my side. I nearly threw myself into his arms and continued to cry.
"We should go." He whispered into my ear.
I mouthed I love you to the Cedric I once knew and walked away with George as everyone had started to panic.

George brought me to the Gryffindor common room and sat on the couch with me. I still had my arms around his waist, and I wasn't planning on letting go. I sobbed into his side until I couldn't cry anymore. I sat there with him for hours, saying nothing. This was a nightmare. I didn't want to live without Cedric, but I was still grateful I had George. He was so kind to me. He didn't talk because he knew I didn't feel like it. But after a while, the silence got to be too much for me.
"I'm sorry." I told him softly, "I'm such a mess."
"Hey," He responded, "Cry if you need to. I understand. It's a hard time for you. He was your best friend."
"You're my best friend." I told him as I closed my eyes and let more tears fall gently down my face.
He kissed the top of my head, "And you're mine."

George's POV:
My heart broke for her. She was so crushed. I'd genuinely never seen her this upset. And I mean, I understood. Sure, Fred and I weren't talking, but he wasn't dead. Cedric was just plain gone. He couldn't come back. I could talk to Fred whenever I wanted to. Y/n didn't have that option with Cedric anymore.

I held her as she cried, and after a while she fell asleep. I grabbed a blanket from behind the couch and wrapped it around us, letting myself fall asleep holding her.

She didn't talk much at all the next week or so. She didn't even show up to Cedric's memorial. A lot of things were hard for her these days, so I didn't mention it. She still made it to classes, but she stopped paying attention and her grades began to drop. She started carrying her teddy bear with her everywhere, holding it tightly to her chest. Occasionally, I'd notice her kissing the top of its head as a tear fell down her cheek.

I really worried for her. I used to only know the happy Y/n, and now all she was was empty. Not even sad anymore. She just had no emotions to display. She wasn't herself. But I still loved her. I would always love her. I just hoped things would change for her soon. I missed seeing her smile.

Your POV:
I felt closer to George than I ever had since Cedric's been gone. I told myself to cheer up. I wanted to be happy for George. I didn't want to burden him anymore with my sadness. But I missed him so much. I missed Cedric. Every second of every day I thought of his smile and I missed having him with me. But I knew at some point I had to let go. At least a little bit.

So I said goodbye to my little Ceddy bear. I went out to the forbidden forest and set him up against a tree.
"Goodbye, Ceddy. I love you." I told it.
I stood there for a minute contemplating my choice. But I had to do it.
"Incendio." I whispered, and he burst into flames.

I made my way back to the school and found George right away. He was in the Gryffindor common room, messing around with some joke toys. I walked right up to him and grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him softly.
"Hey." I said softly.
"Hey." He said, "How are you?"
"Good." I smiled at him. "I'm good."

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