Choosing Sides

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Your POV:
Acting like nothing was wrong was proving to be harder than I thought. Matt and Draco were keeping something from me, I just knew it. I could usually tell when Draco was lying, I just never thought it would be to me.

But they both still thought that George and I hated each other and that they were my best friends. The sad part was that I still considered Draco one of my best friends, I just couldn't trust him. Not if he was keeping something from me. Which I knew he was. No doubt.

"Bye Y/n."
"Bye Y/n." Draco and Matt chorused as they left the common room together in the middle of the night for the third time this week. I took this as my opportunity to snoop in their room.

I opened the door and was met with an insanely clean room. Draco's room was never this clean. It was insane. Everything was different.

I looked around some more before I heard footsteps approaching from the hall. I panicked for maybe half a second before coming to my senses and scanning the room for a hiding spot. Under the bed it was gonna be.

I had just barely slid under Draco's bed when the door opened and two sets of shoes walked in. I watched as one pair got increasingly closer to where I was, until Matthew spoke and the shoes stopped.
"Draco, I told you that you need to stop leaving your homework thrown all over the desk like this." He said, "I didn't know that when I sent you to school you were going to turn into such a slob."
"I didn't think you'd ever be joining me." Draco snapped.
"And hide those stupid bottles, please." Matt spoke, "Learn to be helpful."

I heard bottles rattle and was suddenly hit in the face as Draco tossed them under the bed where I was hiding. I tried my hardest not to react, but he hit me right in the nose. I held back my reaction until the room was empty again and the door clicked shut.
"Ow, holy crap!" I whispered, in case they were still close by.

I picked up one of the bottles and rolled it around in my hand, wondering why they would need to hide an empty bottle. I thought back to the conversation they had just a minute ago when it all hit me. I knew who he was. But I didn't know why he was here.

I knew I probably should've gone straight to George, but Draco was my friend. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. And I was angry at him. I needed to talk to him about this. Alone.

I found him alone in the courtyard later that day, and approached him with anger disguised as confidence.
"We need to talk." I told him.
He looked at me confused but I could tell that on the inside he was panicking.
"About what?" He asked.
"Polyjuice potion, are you serious?" I confronted him, "Why on Earth would you bring your father to Hogwarts, are you crazy?"
His eyes went wide, "How did you know about that?"
"He's a Deatheater, Draco. And he treats you terribly. So why would you bring him here?" I asked him.
"Don't you dare talk about the way he treats me." He shot back, "I told you that in confidence. This is not the time to bring up things we talked about in private."
"Why is he here, Draco?" I crossed my arms.
"That's none of your business." He said softly.
"This is completely my business. You're making it my business by putting me in danger like this, along with all the other students at Hogwarts that could get in the way of whatever you're planning." I shouted.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm and dragged me through the castle, pulling me into a supply closet and slamming the door.
"Ew, Draco let go of me. I have a boyfriend, you know." I snapped at him.
"What? No you don't." He looked at me, confused.
"Whatever." I continued, "What's your problem anyway? Why are you doing this?"
"I don't have a choice." He told me sternly.
"You always have a choice, Draco." I answered.
"Not here, Y/n. I couldn't stop him from coming here. I've resisted him too many times for him to trust me." He returned.
"Trust you to do what, Draco?" I asked him, my voice softer now.
"Recruit you." He said softly.
"Recruit me for what?" I was raising my voice again.
"I think you know what."

"Draco, I don't know how you thought I was ever going to join your family and their Deatheater friends, but it's never gonna happen." I told him.
"I thought Weasley was the only one keeping you from actually doing it. So once you guys broke up..."
"Draco, no way." I interrupted him, "There's no way in hell that's happening."
"Fine." He huffed, "But you're gonna be the one to tell my dad, then. Not me. I am not getting in trouble again because of you." He said.
"Because of me? Oh, I'll tell your dad. In fact, I'll do you one better. I'll tell Rita Skeeter. How about that?" I challenged him.
"Y/n, please..." He tried to stop me, but I had already opened the door and began to walk off.
"I love you Draco, and I care about you, but you're sick. And I'm not." I kept walking.

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