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Your POV:
I never thought George would leave me. Especially after everything we've been through. You know, sometimes it felt like we were only together because it's the only thing we knew. We couldn't even stay broken up for one stupid week. But he had more plans for his life than staying at Hogwarts forever. And I wasn't sure if when he thought about his future, he saw me in it.
But I wanted to be.

Fred and George left Hogwarts when they got sick of Umbridge ruining things for them. He didn't talk to me beforehand; he only sent an owl the next morning.

Oh my Merlin, can you believe it? The joke shop is OPEN! Thank you thank you thank you for getting Fred and I that job at the Profit, we wouldn't have been able to do this if it wasn't for you. I love you so much, thank you. Come visit us at 93 Diagon Alley some time. I can't wait for you to see it.
Keep me updated on everything that happens at school. And please try to keep yourself out of trouble, It's what Gryffindors do. Well, maybe not Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Or Fred and I, I guess. I just don't want you to get hurt. But I'm sure you can handle yourself, I wouldn't leave if I didn't think you could.
Your favorite Joke Shop Owner,
George Weasley<3

It's crazy, I thought he loved me more than that. I mean, I know he said he loved me in the letter, but it was a letter. He couldn't have talked to me in person about this?? We had been through so much, but it still felt like we hadn't been through anything at all. Oh Merlin, what was I thinking? My brain was at war with itself again.

I've always been an overthinker, so it wasn't a surprise that I brought that habit with me into my relationships. George was great, so why was I always annoyed with him? Why was I always second-guessing his intentions? I was probably hurting George more than he was hurting me at this point. I wanted to let myself love him completely, and I did, until I started thinking too much. He just sent me the sweetest letter ever, and he was following his dreams, but I was hung up on the fact that he left me without saying goodbye. I knew that I would see him again, but I couldn't help but let it hurt me. I wanted to be with him forever, but for some reason I kept finding myself pulling away from him and I didn't know why.

It was times like these I wished Hogwarts had therapists. And why didn't they? I'm not the only one that needs serious help here. I'm sure Harry Potter could use some psychological guidance.

I made my way back to my room from breakfast with the letter still in my hand. As I opened the door, a familiar ginger was sitting on my bed.
"Oh Merlin, did you read it? Can you believe it?" He smiled at me, seeing the letter in my hands.
"Why'd you send me a letter if you were sitting in my dorm room anyway?" I asked him.
"For fun I suppose." He smiled at me, "What do you think?"
"I'm so happy for you," I told him, "But you couldn't have waited until summer?"
He looked confused I even asked, "Not really. Stupid Umbridge makes the whole idea of staying here seriously unappealing. Aren't you excited?"
"Of course I am" I said, "but I'm kind of in a bit of a situation right now. I live right next door to Lucius frickin Malfoy using polyjuice, George."
"Yeah, I know." He said, "I thought you could stay at the joke shop for a while. We have a flat just upstairs."
"Okay." I said, "I'm sorry. I am happy for you. And so excited. I'm just stressed out."

He brought me in for a hug and I rested my head on his chest.

I hadn't forgotten about the promise I made to myself after Cedric died. I was going to kill Voldemort. I didn't know how, but I had to. I had to do it for Cedric, and I had to do it for myself.

I also knew I had to make myself one more promise. A promise to stop doubting George. I knew he loved me. I guess sometimes I just didn't want to believe it. I didn't know why that was, maybe it was because I didn't think I was deserving of love. I mean, a month ago I didn't think I was deserving of anything. It wasn't the hat's fault I was put into Slytherin, even though I tried blaming it for my problems time and time again. It was my own fault. My motivations for everything I did were corrupt before I met George. But he makes me good. And I'm glad I got to be a Gryffindor with him before he dropped out.

But no matter how good I was or how much I loved George, there was one thing I knew I had to do. One thing that might solve everything but also might ruin everything. And it was only the first step on my journey to avenging the death of my best friend.
I was going to become a Death Eater.

Merlin, he was going to hate me after this. Which is why I didn't intend for him to find out.

I marched to the Slytherin dorms and made my way to Draco and Matt's room. Now that I thought about it, Matthew was a really stupid fake name. How old was this guy? And he couldn't come up with a better name than Matthew?
"Hey Lucius." I greeted him.
He looked at me. His stare was so blank it was incredibly sinister. He said nothing.
"Listen, I know it's you, but hear me out before you Crucio me or something." I said, "I'm on your side. I want to be. Take me to the Dark Lord. I'm ready to serve him."

He did exactly as I asked him. Not a word left his mouth before he apparated us to the Malfoy Manor. Sitting at the kitchen table like some measly house guest was the Dark Lord himself. And he looked happy to see me.

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