Draco Malfoy

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Your POV:
It was fun being friends with the twins. They certainly knew how to have a good time. Plus it made me really happy how much they wanted to include me in their pranks.

They introduced me to some of their Gryffindor friends too. I had started becoming closer with Ginny, and Hermione was fun to study with, but I loved being around the twins the most.

Though, hanging with the Gryffindors didn't do me well in my own house. Sure, I still had Jenna and Adrian, but I didn't think anyone else really liked me. In fact there was one boy with extremely blonde hair who looked to be about Hermione's age who would throw dirty looks my way whenever I was with the twins. And I was getting sick of it.

One day I was out on a walk with Hermione when that same boy approached us with two of his goons. He stopped in front of Hermione and began making fun of her. They weren't funny, harmless jokes either. They were brutal, and I could tell he was hurting her.

"Ok, enough." I said and shoved the boy back.
He looked shocked.
"What? Defending the Mudblood, L/n?" He asked me, looking at my Slytherin robes.
"Don't call her that." I gritted my teeth.
"Why? Because you're one too?" He smirked at me.
I shoved him harder that time. He hit the ground with a thud.
"Back off." I said standing over him, "Talk to her like that again and I'll put my fist so deep down your throat you'll be coughing up rings." I grabbed the collar of his sweater.
"I'm not scared of some little blonde jerk. In case you haven't noticed, I AM one."
I let go of his collar and walked with Hermione into the great hall, it was time for dinner anyway.

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